Asleep Part 2(Thranduil x fem!reader) Sleeping Beauty AU

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(It has taken me far too long to finish this part and I am so sorry! Bad Writer! Bad, Bad Writer! Make sure you read Part 1 first since this picks up right where it left off.)

Thranduil avoided his father for the rest of the day and the next. The princess was due to arrive at the castle that night so Oropher was busy anyway. Thranduil just needed to stay out of his line of sight until he could bring you to meet his father. Hopefully before he was forced into a marriage with the princess. That was something he would have to tell you when he saw that night. He wasn't sure how you would feel about him when you learned he was betrothed.

As soon as he was able to sneak away, Thranduil left the castle. He retraced his footsteps to where he first met you. You weren't there, so Thranduil decided to wait for a little while. As the sun began to set, you still hadn't appeared and Thranduil grew worried. Had you decided against seeing him again after all? That didn't seem likely given your reaction before.

After a while longer, Thranduil decided to look for your home. It couldn't have been far since he'd heard your aunts calling for you. Maybe you had gotten busy or maybe he misunderstood. Either way, Thranduil wasn't going to give up on seeing you again.

It only took as few minutes to reach the lonely cottage. There were no candles burning in the windows and no smoke emitting from the chimney. Were you not home either? Curious, Thranduil went to the door. After he knocked a few times, he found it to be unlocked. Empty. The entire cottage was empty. Thranduil didn't understand it. What had happened in the span of a day and a half?

A noise behind him had Thranduil reaching for his sword. He spun around only to be confronted by three older women. "Oh!" one of them exclaimed. Thranduil lowered his sword. "My you live here?" They all nodded. Thranduil let out a breath of relief. At least they hadn't abandoned the house. "With a young woman? Rose?"

"Rose? How did-Are you the young man she spoke of? She didn't mention that you were the prince!" Thranduil smiled a little. "She didn't know. Please, where is she? I have to speak with her?" For a second, the women looked frightened and then relieved.

"Nevermind that now. You have to come with us! Rose is in danger!" Thranduil didn't even question as he followed the women out of the cottage. He stopped for a beat when he noticed they were heading back to the castle. "Why are we going there?"

"I will explain, but we must keep moving. That evil wizard will know we've found you soon enough and our journey will become much more difficult." No sooner had she said the words did Thranduil hear an awful screeching sound that he'd never heard before.

The prince hardly had time to wonder what he was in for when his unasked question was answered. Spiders, the size of a house, came bounding from the darkness of the forest around them. "I think he already knows," one of the women commented. Thranduil ordered them to stay close as they ran toward the castle with Thranduil cutting down spiders left and right.

*time skip*

It felt like a hundred years before Thranduil saw the gates of the castle. He had fought through the spiders, large demon wolf-like creatures, and all manner of all creatures. Not to mention a wall of thorns. But Thranduil was soon successful in reaching the gates. Panting heavily and caked with dirt and blood, but alive.

"Where is she?" Thranduil asked when he'd caught his breath. He looked around him and noticed everyone was sleeping, including his father. "What happened here?" The three women lead him through the corridors of the castle and explained everything.

"Rose is actually Y/N. Princess Y/N. She was cursed as an infant to prick her finger on a spinning wheel and put her into a deep sleep. We kept her safe until it was time to return her to the castle. We thought she was locked in her room but there was a hidden passage and she got out. When she fell asleep, so did everyone in the castle, apparently. And we went looking for the stranger Ro-I mean, the princess was supposed to meet tonight."

Thranduil could hardly believe his ears. You were the princess. His betrothed. And now you were under a curse. Would he ever get the chance to tell you how he felt? Surely there had to be a way to break the curse. After all, no magic was infallible. So Thranduil asked your guardians.

"There is one way to break the curse. True love's kiss." Thranduil froze once again. The women didn't notice until they had opened a door. There you were, lying as if in death, upon a bed of soft sheets. Your guardians turned to him with furrowed brows. "What are you waiting for?! Get in here!"

"I can't just kiss a woman without her permission! No matter how much I may l-love her." The woman in the middle, seemingly the leader, stepped closer to him. "Do you love her, Your Highness?" Thranduil thought for a moment before he nodded. "I believe I do."

The ladies sighed almost in unison. "We'll step out and let you decide. It is your choice after all." They left the room, leaving Thranduil alone with you. He let his eyes dart back to your sleeping form. He wanted to kiss you, really he did. But he was a gentleman first. Still, he couldn't be king of the people if they slept on the way they did. The entire kingdom would perish.

"I hope you will forgive me for this," he whispered as he approached you. He leaned over you and pressed his lips to yours. "I love you," he continued softly. Your eyes fluttered open and you smiled up at him. You sat up, wrapping your arms around him. Thranduil sighed into your hair as he could hear the sounds of everyone in the castle waking up.

"I think I love you too," you told him. Thranduil felt a warmth spread through him at your words. "I would love to kiss you again. With your permission this time." You pulled away from him, grinning from ear to ear. You gave him a shy kiss, making him laugh a little as he pulled away. "Come. I believe your parents are dying to meet you. As is my father. There is a lot to tell you." You took his hand in yours and gave it a squeeze. "I'm ready. For whatever life throws our way."

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