Blurting Out Feelings (Samwise Gamgee x fem!elf reader)

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Samwise was taken aback by the beauty of Rivendell. He'd heard the stories of the Hidden Valley of Imladris, but never dreamed he would ever set foot in such a wondrous place. All he could do was stare at the beauty surrounding him. It was almost too much for him to take in. And then...he saw you.

Your back was to him at first, so he only saw your (h/c) locks and the tips of your pointed ears. The elf you were speaking to gestured behind you and you turned. That was when all breath left Sam's body. "Surely," he thought, "She must be the most beautiful elf in all the world." You gave the hobbits and Strider a soft smile. "Strider, you've returned," you greeted before looking down at the hobbits.

"Welcome to Imladris." Strider took your hand and introduced you. "This is Lady Y/N, daughter of Lord Elrond." Sam and the others quickly bowed low, making you laugh. A beautiful sound that made Sam's face heat up. "There is no need for that. You are welcome here, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Meriadoc Brandybuck, and Peregrin Took. My father should be arriving soon." Sam couldn't peel his eyes away from you, something his friends didn't miss.

*time skip*

The beauty of Rivendell hadn't worn off for Sam, but it was your beauty that captivated him more. Since arriving in Rivendell, Sam had learned much about you. Not only were you physically beautiful(most elves were), but you were also beautiful on the inside. You were kind and charming. You always had a smile for everyone and you were wise.

Sam found himself wanting to stay in Rivendell, if only to enjoy your company. He was falling for you. Not that he would say anything. Whenever you looked at him with those (e/c) eyes and smiled, he'd get tongue-tied. He was just too shy and his friends knew it. And they weren't the only ones. Your father also noticed and that was why he insisted on you leaving. He told you to travel with the Fellowship to destroy the One Ring.

You didn't argue. Why would you? You loved a good adventure and you were trained in combat. So, you did as you were asked. You left your home to travel with two men, a wizard, another elf, a dwarf, and four hobbits. You swore you would do anything to protect Frodo and the others and that made the journey easier. For Sam, you being there made it all the more difficult.

Sam was finding it hard to keep from exploding with a confession of his feelings. After all, he was a hobbit. Short, stout, and gardener. You were an elf. Beautiful, wise, and immortal. Not exactly the greatest match. Still, his feelings couldn't be helped and they began weighing on him every day you were near. But it took a night in Lothlorien for the hobbit to finally say anything.

You were walking with Legolas, listening to the lament for Gandalf, the smile taken off your face for once. Sam's gaze was on you again and he had zoned out of the conversation. Then, he felt Pippin's elbow in his ribs. "What?" Pippin gave him a sad smile. "You could talk to her, you know. After what happened to...Gandalf, you never know if you'll get another chance." Sam just stared at him. It wasn't often that Pippin said something so wise.

"A chance to what, Pip? Tell the most beautiful creature in all of Middle Earth that I can't stop thinking about her? Talk to her about the fact that I can't seem to keep my eyes off her, even when I should be focusing on other things?" Sam could feel himself close to erupting, but couldn't stop himself now. "How am I to tell Lady Y/N that I am hopelessly in love with her?"

Merry and Pippin were fighting back chuckles. "Well," Merry started with a snort, "That'd do it, Sam." Sam felt the color drain from his face. "Are you, Master Gamgee?" Sam gulped and turned to face you slowly. He prepared himself to see anger or disgust painted on your face. To his surprise, you were smiling softly at him.

"I-I, well that is to say, I," he couldn't seem to get the words out and he cursed himself for it. You laughed lightly. Then, you leaned down and kissed the tip of his nose. "You are rather adorable, Samwise Gamgee." You kissed his forehead and turned to walk away, leaving Sam standing there with his face as red as a tomato. "What are you waiting for, Sam? Go after her!" The hobbit didn't need to be told twice.    

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