Just Another Day in Paradise (Bofur x wife!reader) Modern AU

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(a/n: Songfic based on "Just Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Vassar.)

The kids screaming, phone ringing
Dog barking at the mailman bringing
That stack of bills, overdue
Good morning baby, how are you?
Got a half hour, quick shower
Take a drink of milk but the milk's gone sour
My funny face makes you laugh
Twist the top on and I put it back
There goes the washing machine
Baby, don't kick it.
I promise I'll fix it
Long about a million other things

Well, it's ok. It's so nice
It's just another day in paradise
Well, there's no place that
I'd rather be
Well, it's two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the lord every night
For just another day in paradise

Bofur woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He groaned and ignored the call. Then he gazed at the clock and realized he overslept. He let out a swear and hopped out of bed. His children's screams of delight echoed through house as Bofur left his room in search of his wife and children. He stepped over toys as the dog started barking. "Enough! Dumb dog," Bofur heard your voice coming from the kitchen.

"Good morning, Amrâlimê. I've only got about thirty minutes. I overslept." Bofur made his way over to the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk. Before you could admonish him, your husband took a drink right out of the carton. Sour. You couldn't help but laugh at his face and then yell at him when he put the sour milk back in the fridge. You shook your head and kissed his cheek, avoiding the rim of his ridiculous hat. "Go on and get ready before you're late." Suddenly, your son come running in and cried, "The washer's broken again." You groaned and Bofur got up and kissed your temple, promising to fix it.

Friday, you're late
Guess we'll never make our dinner date
At the restaurant you start to cry
Baby, we'll just improvise
Well, plan b looks like
Dominoes' pizza in the candle light
Then we'll tip toe to our room
Make a little love that's overdue
But somebody had a bad dream
Mama and daddy
Can me and my teddy
Come in to sleep in between?

Yeah it's ok. It's so nice.
It's just another day in paradise.
Well, there's no place that
I'd rather be
Well, it's two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the lord every night
For just another day in paradise

Bofur struggled to get the kids ready to go to grandma's house while he waited for you to come home. You had planned a date night and you were running late. So late that Bofur gave up and put the kids to bed instead of taking them to your mother's. You finally showed up, full of apologies. Bofur placed his hands on your waist and kissed you. "It's alright, lass. I already ordered from our favorite pizza place and then, I'm gonna take you upstairs and make you feel like a queen." Even after all the years of marriage, Bofur could still make you blush.

Before he could make good on his promise, a small voice and a knock came from the other side of the door. "Mommy? Daddy? I had a bad dream." You dropped your head onto Bofur's shoulder. He just laughed as he kissed you once more then got up to let your small daughter in. She stood there holding a teddy bear that Bofur had made for her. "Come on, princess." The little girl came in and hopped in the middle of the bed.

Well, it's ok. It's so nice.
It's just another day in paradise.
Well, there's no place that
I'd rather be
Two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the lord every night
For just another day in paradise

For just another day in paradise
Well, it's the kids screaming. The phone ringing
Just another day
Well, it's Friday. You're late
Oh yeah, it's just another day in paradise

Bofur reached carefully over his daughter's head to stroke your hair. You looked at him, a small smile on your face. "I love you," you whispered. "I love you too, lass." You closed your eyes, ready for sleep to take you, but Bofur lay awake watching you and your daughter. No matter how crazy it got and no matter how many bad days there were, Bofur wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. This was his own personal paradise. Just you, him and your children.


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