A Father's Disapproval (Lindir x fem!elf reader)

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You were never the rebellious sort. As the Princess of Mirkwood, you were raised to be the prim-and-proper elleth. You had your royal studies as well as dozens of other tutors. You had your brother Legolas teaching you wield a sword and bow and you had your father, Thranduil, teaching you what it took to rule and protect your people. You took in everything like a sponge, learning and obeying. Until the one time you didn't.

You were eating when the steward came in to inform your father that Lord Elrond of Imladris and his steward were at the gates. You looked to your father in curiosity. You'd never met Lord Elrond or his steward. You rose gracefully with your father and went out to meet your guests.

There was no doubting which of them was Lord Elrond, but it was the steward that stopped you in your tracks. In all your years, you'd never seen a more handsome elf. His long dark locks ruffled with the slight breeze and his dark eyes showed an eagerness to learn and listen. It wasn't just that, either. It was as if he were calling to you even though his mouth didn't move at all.

"Welcome, Lord Elrond, to Mirkwood. May I introduce my daughter, Y/N." You greeted them as you had been taught and smiled. Your eyes once again found the steward and refused to leave. It was like you were rooted to the ground. You were a flower and he was your source of light, of water, of life in general. "Princess Y/N," Elrond greeted with a slight bow and his steward followed suit. You wanted nothing more than to be next to him, so you slowed your steps until Elrond was walking next to you your father and you were next to the steward.

"Princess," he greeted formally. "Do you feel it?" you asked in a hushed tone. Not that it mattered. Elves had exceptional hearing after all. If your father wanted to, he could hear your conversation. The steward cast a glance at your father and Elrond before turning his attention back to you. "Of course, Princess but...we mustn't act on whatever this is. It isn't proper."

Your brows furrowed. In all your studies you had learned that most elves only found a true love once in their lifetime. You had read about what it was supposed to be like and you knew you felt it for this elf walking next to you. "I am sorry, Princess. It pains me to say such things." You nodded and looked away from him. "May I at least know your name?" It took a moment, but he answered, "Lindir, Princess. Im Lindir."

*time skip*

Despite Lindir's misgivings, the two of you often found yourselves together. You couldn't seem to help it. You were drawn to one another. You learned about each other whenever you had a free moment. It seemed Elrond gave Lindir much more time to himself than a normal steward. When you asked Lindir about it, he looked sheepish. "He knows about the bond. My Lord Elrond approves." You smiled. "If he approves, then why do you still reject it? You know what happens to elves who reject the bond."

"You are a princess. I am a mere steward. Your father would not approve. He would keep us apart for eternity." You frowned at that. He was probably right, but you couldn't know for certain. "Perhaps if I explained," you started, but Lindir shook his head. "Prin-Y/N, I would gladly give you my heart. I can think of none I would trust more. But I could not ask for the same when I know our circumstances. You deserve better."

"At least let me try. My father is not completely unreasonable." Lindir didn't look convinced but he nodded anyway. "For you? I would do anything." You smiled. While you had not been expecting Lindir, you were grateful. Over the weeks he had been in Mirkwood, you had found your kindred spirit. You had found a love deeper than any love in existence. Now, you only had to convince your father.

You knocked on your father's door, nervous for the first time ever. At his bid to enter, you opened the door. He smiled at you. "Ah, my daughter. It seems I have not seen much of you lately." You greeted him the traditional way and returned the smile. "I know, Ada. There is a reason and I must tell you. The most wonderful thing has happened." Your father sat smoothly down and gestured for to do the same.

After you sat down, your father took a sip of his wine. "What is it you wish to tell me?" You cleared your throat and smiled again. "I have found my true love. The one I am bonded with." Your father arched a brow. "Have you? And who is this elf that has won my daughter's heart?" After taking a deep breath, you replied with Lindir's name.

In an instant, your father's face went from serene and thoughtful to red with rage. "I ABSOLUTELY FORBID IT! A STEWARD?! No, not my daughter." It was your turn to be angry. You didn't understand how your father could think so little of an elf he hardly knew. "You cannot forbid it. We are bound together. To keep us apart would surely kill us. I have reached my maturity and I will make this decision for myself."

You rose from your seat and turned to the door in one fluid motion. "If you choose to go after him, you will no longer be welcome in my kingdom." You turned to your father with rare tears in your eyes. "I would think you of all people would understand my need to be with him. If that is the way you feel, then I am sorry. I am going with him, if he will have me." You left the room to go in search of Lindir. He was leaving with Elrond at dawn so there was no time to lose.

You tried not to make too much noise as you knocked on his door. You didn't want to alert everyone in Mirkwood that you were visiting his chambers. Lindir opened the door a moment later. "Princess?" Upon seeing your teary expression, he let you in. "I choose you," you told him without waiting a beat. "I beg your pardon?" You faced him again. "I choose you, Lindir. You were right about my father, but I do not care. I love you, Lindir."

You and Lindir spent that night wrapped in each other's arms, talking until the sun rose. And when Lindir was prepared to ride away from Mirkwood, you were right there beside him on your own horse. You looked back to see your father standing on his balcony, watching you leave. While it hurt your heart to leave things the way you were, you knew you had no choice. Lindir was the one that was made for you and, if it came down to it, you would choose him, every single time. 

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