Pie, Ale and Tickles (Kili x fem!reader)

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Kili paused in his walk through the halls of Erebor. He heard...sniffling? His brows furrowed and he followed the sound of the crying. He finally found the source. It was you. You were curled into a ball on the floor of the kitchen, crying. "Y/N?" You looked up at the youngest Durin. Your eyes were red and puffy as was your nose. "What happened?" You shook your head indicating that you didn't want to talk about it.

Kili sat down on the floor next to you and put his arm around you. "It's alright, Y/N. Whatever it is, it's gonna be alright," he said softly. He kissed your temple and pulled you closer. "You know, Bombur made a pie this morning. What do you say we get a slice?" You gave a soft smile. Pie did sound good. "And some ale?" you asked quietly, making Kili laugh. "Why not?" Kili let you go for a moment to grab the pie and ale before settling back down on the floor with you.

Kili spent the time the two of you were eating trying to make you laugh. He tried jokes and puns, but nothing worked. That was until Fili came bursting into the room. The door slammed opened and Fili yelled, "KILI!" The dwarf in question jumped, causing his pie to fly up into his face. Seeing Kili's face covered in pie was the thing that pushed you over the edge. You started laughing and soon, you were all out chortling. Fili tried hiding his laughter behind his hand and failed.

"Oh, thanks for that, Fili," you gasped out when you finally stopped laughing. The dark haired prince was pouting. You kissed the top of his head, the only part of his head and face not covered in pie. "Thanks for making me feel better, Kee." He turned to you with a grin and before you could stop him, Kili lunged at you and rubbed his pie-covered face all over your clean one. "KILI!" you squealed, trying to get up. He wrapped his arms around you. "Fili, come help me!" Kili called to his brother who obliged.

Soon, Fili had a hold of your arms while Kili tickled you. You were gasping for breath and laughing at the same time, giving yourself hiccups. "What in Durin's name is going on in here?" a sharp female voice cut through your giggles. The three of you looked up to see Dis standing there. She looked half annoyed and half amused. "Amad! We, uh, were..." Suddenly, Dis was laughing. "Look at the mess you all have made of yourselves." She stopped laughing, but shook her head fondly. "Go get yourselves cleaned up." The three of you scurried to do what she asked.

Kiliwalked with you to your chambers, laughing the whole way. "Thanks again,Kee. I had fun, even if I am a mess now," you said as you reached yourchamber door. "I'm glad I could help," he replied, still trying toget pie out of his hair. You laughed at him again and turned to open the door."Oh, Y/N?" You looked over your shoulder. "Pie is a good lookfor you," Kili said before darting off toward his own chambers. dnc

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