Present (Kili x reader)

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(Everybody lives AU)

"Kee, what are we doing here?" Fili asked his brother as they entered Dale. Kili glanced back at his older brother. "I need your help finding a gift." Fili smirked at Kili. "For Y/N?" Fili had known for a while that his brother had feelings for you, he just wouldn't admit it. "Yeah. Y/N's birthday is in a fortnight." Fili rolled his eyes at his brother's attempt to sound nonchalant. "Alright. I will help, but you owe me."

The two princes searched for hours trying to find the perfect present for you. Finally, just as Kili was about to give up, he heard something that made him smile. A bark followed by several small yips. "Come on, Fee!" Kili cried, running toward the noise. When the two arrived, Kili's grin broadened. "This is it, Fee." There was a little girl sitting next to a basket. The basket was occupied by a dog, surrounded by several small puppies.

"Hello," the little girl greeted shyly. "What's your name?" The girl smiled and answered, "Tricia." Kili nodded and replied, "Well, Tricia can you tell me what the fate of these small creatures?" Tricia frowned a little. "Mother says we have to give them away. We cannot keep them." Kili gave the little girl a smile. "Perhaps I can help. My...friend's birthday is fast approaching and I am certain they would love a puppy. However, I cannot give them their gift for another fortnight. You would have to keep the puppy until then."

Tricia's eyes lit up as her mother smiled. She'd been listening the whole time. "Mother, can we? Would that be alright?" The older woman nodded. "Of course. Anything for the princes of Erebor." Kili thanked the women and turned to face his brother. "You do realize Uncle hates dogs?" Nothing could wipe the grin off Kili's face. "I don't care. Y/N is going to love the puppy and Uncle...he will forgive me." Fili shook his head, laughing at Kili.

*time skip*

You were walking through the halls of Erebor toward the kitchen when you heard it. Your brows furrowed in confusion. You turned your head in the direction the sound came from. Kili's chambers. "Shush! You'll give away the surprise!" you heard Kili trying to whisper to whatever was making that noise. It sounded like a small dog, but that couldn't be it. Could it?

You knocked on the door. "Uh...Just a moment!" You almost laughed at the sounds coming from behind the closed door. It sounded like Kili was frantically running around the room, as if he were trying to hide something. "Come in." You opened the door and found Kili sitting on his bed with something under the blankets next to him.

"Everything alright, Kili?" you asked. He nodded and smiled. "Of course. Why would I not be?" The lump under the blankets moved and made an odd noise. "Um, Kee. You want to tell me what you're trying and failing so miserably to hide?" He shook his head, stubbornly. You rolled your eyes and walked over to the bed. You slowly peeled back the covers. "No, don't!"

No sooner was the blanket off did you feel something cool across your nose. The puppy licked you. "Happy Birthday, Y/N." You stared at him in shock. "Really?" He nodded. "Yep, he's yours." A bright smile made its way to your lips. "Thank you, Kee. He's perfect." He blushed under your praise. "You're perfect. You deserve a perfect gift." You leaned over and kissed his cheek, slightly releasing your grip on the dog.

The puppy took advantage of your loosened grip and took off running through the door you left open. "We need to catch him!" You nodded and got up, following Kili from the room to search for your new pet. He was nowhere to be found. "Where did he go? And how did he disappear so fast?" Kili shrugged and opened his mouth to suggest you split up. He never got the chance before the two of you heard, "KILI! GET THIS DOG OUT OF MY STUDY!"


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