Storm (The Company x reader)

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Thorin and the others were watching you. You had taken the spot at the very back of the cave. You were sitting with your knees pulled up to your chest and your hands over your ears. Every time thunder clapped, you would cringe and pulled yourself into a smaller ball. "Y/N?" Bilbo asked, the look on his face convening all his worries.

"Are you afraid of the storm?" Dori asked and you nodded. The others exchanged a glance. It wasn't something they normally dealt with. To most of them, it seemed an odd fear. But you were a member of the Company and they were determined to help you if possible. Bofur picked up his flute. "How about a little music ta take your mind off it?" he asked and you shrugged. You weren't sure if it was going to work.

Bofur started playing and the others soon joined in. They soon started dancing around the large cave while they sang a silly song. At one point, Bofur pulled you to your feet and tried to get you to dance. You shook your head and returned to your space. Bofur glanced over at Fili and Kili. The two princes smirked and came over to you. Sitting on either side of you, they began poking your sides. You tried to hold back your smiles and laughter, but you couldn't.

"There's a smile!" Then, Bofur came and sat in front of you with Bifur next to him. Bifur started saying something in Khuzdul and Bofur translated. It was joke, but when he got to the punch line, Bofur blushed. "I'm not tellin' the rest of that joke." You let out a chuckle, knowing how inappropriate the joke must have been for Bofur not to want to finish it.

Bofur and Bifur got up and moved back to the music. Then, Bilbo came over and began a riddle contest with you. He won, but the distraction had served its purpose. Finally, Dwalin came over and pulled you to your feet again. He pushed you toward the rest of the group. From the middle of the Company, you started dancing and singing with them. You couldn't help it. Their mirth was contagious.

You danced and sang for hours, practically forgetting the storm raging outside. By the time you were done, you were so tired, you paid no mind to what was happening outside the safety of the cave. You sank onto your bedroll and closed your eyes. The rest of the Company smiled at each other, glad they had been able to help you that night.

The next morning, they woke up to the smell of something cooking. The storm had stopped and the sun was shining at the mouth of the cave. They left the cave and saw you outside, cooking something for breakfast. "You didn't have to do this, Y/N," Thorin said and you shrugged. "You helped me last night and I wanted to thank you." The Company smiled. "Anything for you, Y/N. You've been a great help on this journey. It was our pleasure to help you in your time of need." You grinned and started handing out breakfast. If you didn't know better, you'd say you were just a family enjoying a trip out in the wilderness. You were grateful for the peace of that morning before you continued on into the unknown.    

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