Help From the Fellowship (Legolas x reader)

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Legolas was unaccustomed to this feeling. From the moment he met you, he was smitten. Everything about you called to him, from the way your (e/c) eyes sparkled in mirth when the hobbits did something you found funny, to the way your body moved when you used your weapon. You were everything Legolas could have hoped for and, for the first time in his life, he had no idea how to approach the situation. So, he turned to the one person he knew could help him.

Aragorn bit back a laugh at the elf in front of him. Legolas glared at him. Aragorn held up his hand in a gesture of surrender. “I’m sorry,” he replied in Elvish, “But I have never seen you so distraught about something. If you have feelings for Y/N, you should tell them. Not me.” Legolas played the string on his bow. “I would…if I knew how.” Luckily no one else in the Fellowship knew Elvish or the conversation would be far more embarrassing, if elves could get embarrassed.

“Alright. I will help if I can. I think Y/N is good for you.” Legolas nodded and let his gaze wander over to you again. You were sitting with Gimli, brows furrowed in concentration as he told you some story or other. “Perhaps the others would be willing to help as well,” Aragorn commented under his breath. If Legolas hadn’t been who he was, he wouldn’t have heard him. “I am not certain that is  the best idea.”

“Nonsense. I don’t believe anything I suggest will work if the others are not privy to the secret as well. They can help.” After a moment, Legolas reluctantly agreed. After all, where was the harm? And if it helped him get closer to you, then it would all be for the best in the end.

For the next couple of weeks, Aragorn and the others did everything in their power to push you and Legolas together. They knew you felt the same for Legolas as he did for you, but wouldn’t admit it. Maybe you were shy or maybe you weren’t sure how he felt and were afraid of being rejected. They didn’t know, but it was getting tiresome.

The rest of the Fellowship had made so many plans that had failed. They had tried everything from sending you and Legolas scouting together to having you spar together to having you cook together. The last plan went the worst. Legolas could not cook to save his life and you weren’t much better. The food ended up everywhere and what was left was hardly edible. They were running out of ideas until Gimli came up with one last one.

“Are you certain?” Merry asked. Pretty much everyone was unsure about this. Especially because this was the one plan that Legolas was unaware of. “Aye. If this doesn’t work, nothin’ will. Either Y/N will finally confess they love another or the elf will stop quakin’ in his boots long enough to tell Y/N how he feels.”

“But why you?” Gimli glared at the hobbit and huffed. “Because it’s the most believable. Aside from the elf, Y/N spends the most time with me. This will work or my name isn’t Gimli, son of Gloin.” The others exchanged a glance but nodded. Either you would be so flustered you’d confess or Legolas would be so jealous his secret would spill over.

You were sitting and repairing a tunic of yours when Gimli approached. “Good evening, Master Gimli,” you greeted with a smile. “Evenin’ Y/N. I was wondering if I could borrow you for a moment?” Your brows drew together, but you nodded anyway. “Of course. What can I do for you?” A bright red blush painted Gimli’s cheeks as he reached for your hand. He was beginning to think he hadn’t really thought this through.

“Y/N,” he started and then cleared his throat, “Y/N, Over these last weeks, I have come to realize that my heart shall belong to no other. You have bewitched me, Y/N.” For a moment, you simply stared at him. Then, you coughed a little. And then a little more. Gimli realized you were holding back laughter. His lips downturned behind his beard as you chuckled.

“Forgive me, Master Gimli. I do not mean to laugh at you, but we both know that is not true. I know what you all have been trying to do and why.” The faces of everyone in the Fellowship looked surprised. “Y-You do?” Pippin asked and you nodded. “I do. And Legolas, you should know I feel the same.” In what seemed like an instant, Legolas was in front of you. “Is this true?” He asked quietly. You smiled and nodded again.

“How? I thought my performance was quite convincing,” Gimli stated. “Oh, it was to be sure. But I overheard Legolas and Aragorn talking. I couldn’t understand much besides my name but then when you all began acting strangely, I was able to put two and two together.” The others began to chuckle, except for Gimli. “If you knew, why didn’t you say anything?!”

“Simple. I wished to see just how far you go to help Legolas and I come together. And I must say, you didn’t disappoint. Now, if you will excuse me, I wish to have a private discussion.” You grabbed Legolas’ hand, leading him away from the Fellowship. They were all laughing amongst themselves anyway, probably at Gimli’s expense.

Once you and Legolas were out of earshot, you turned back to him. “Why did you not tell me your feelings?” Legolas let his blue eyes wander all over your face. “I am not accustomed to what I feel for you, Y/N. And I did not know if you would return my affections. I was…” he trailed off, unsure of what to say.

“Afraid I would reject you?” Legolas nodded. You smiled. “Then we are both ridiculous. I felt the same.” Legolas leaned forward to rest his forehead against yours. “I could never reject you, Y/N,” he whispered. You let out a soft sigh in tandem with the breeze blowing through the leaves on the trees. In that moment, everything was perfect.

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