Little Elf (Legolas x preg!reader)

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You opened the door to the chambers you shared with your husband, hoping he would be there. You glanced around the entire room and peeked into the bath chamber. No Legolas. Your brows furrowed. Where in Middle Earth was your husband? You left the room and checked the next place he would be. The training yard. You were happy when Legolas decided to remain in Gondor with Aragorn because, while you loved your home in Mirkwood, you could more easily locate your husband in Gondor. No trees for him to hide in.

You quickly made your way outside. "Lady Y/N. Where are ya off to in such a hurry?" You turned to find Gimli watching you with a worried expression. "I am searching for my charming husband yet again," you answered with a smile. Gimli let out a hearty laugh. He was used to hunting for Legolas too since he was usually the one to help you. "I believe I saw him in the training yard." You nodded and told him that was where you were headed.

Gimli followed you, intrigued by what could be so important that you needed to interrupt Legolas' training. The poor elf needed it after all, at least in Gimli's mind. As you both suspected, Legolas was in the training yard, his two swords in his grip. He smiled softly when he saw you before turning his attention back to his opponent.

It didn't take him long to finish and make his way over to you. "Melamin, have I forgotten something again?" You laughed and shook your head. "No, Legolas, you did not. There is something I must tell you." Legolas tilted his head in confusion. You took a deep breath. "Y/N, Melamin, what is it?" he asked you. Even Gimli looked worried. This was not something you wanted an audience for.

You took Legolas' hand and lead him away from the training yard and from Gimli. Gimli watched the two of you go with a small smile on his face. "What is so amusing, Master Gimli?" Gandalf asked, making the dwarf jump. Gimli nodded his head toward you and Legolas. "Ah. I wonder if they are aware yet." Gimli looked at the wizard in question, but Gandalf merely laughed. Gimli walked away, shaking his head and muttering something about wizards.

You lead Legolas back up into your chambers. "Y/N, you are beginning to worry me. What has you so flustered?" he asked as soon as the doors closed behind you. You laughed. "You need not worry, husband. I simply have news. Wonderful news." Legolas took your hands again. "Well then tell me. Do not keep me in suspense," he told you with a laugh.

The smile that spread across your face was infectious. "I am with child." Legolas' blue eyes widened in surprise and, the next thing you knew, he had you in his arms and was spinning you around. "This is indeed wonderful news, Melamin!" He set you back down on the ground and sank to his knees in front of you. "Hello, little elf," Legolas whispered to your still flat stomach. "You have already made you Ada so happy." You couldn't help but giggle at him. Your fierce elf warrior of a husband was on his knees whispering to your unborn child.

Legolas stood back up and wrapped his arms around you. "You have made me the happiest of all in Middle Earth, Y/N." You smiled at him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "And you have given me the most precious of all gifts, Legolas." Legolas stepped back and let his thumbs graze over your stomach. No words were spoken was your husband stood there staring in awe at your belly where his child was growing. His little elf. 

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