A Reluctant Tutor (Lindir x fem!reader) High School AU

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You glanced down at the test you had studied so hard for. You'd spent weeks going over all the material you might need for it. You just didn't understand it. How had you failed again? You felt tears pricking your eyes as you stared forlornly at the test. You didn't even hear the bell ring.

"Miss Y/L/N? Could you come up here please?" You slowly got up and approached Mr. Erestor's desk. "Yes sir?" He looked at you in concern, but you tuned him out as he began talking about how disappointed he was with your results. And about how he knew you were a good student. You didn't tune back in until he said, "That's why I've arranged for a tutor for you."

"A what?" He smiled. "A tutor, Miss Y/L/N. As a matter of fact, here he is now." You turned your head to see Lindir in the doorway of the classroom. He was looking at you with wide eyes. "Uh...I really don't need a tutor Mr. Erestor. I can manage," you declared, licking your lips. You really didn't want to be tutored by Lindir.

You didn't hate Lindir. Not really. You didn't know him well enough to hate him. Still, there was something about him. He never spoke to you and was always staring. He really didn't seem to like you very much and you weren't sure how much you could possibly learn from him when you were too distracted trying to figure out why he despised you so.

"I'm sure you can, Miss Y/L/N, but I must insist on Lindir's tutoring if you want to pass this course." You sighed and ran your hand through your (h/c) hair. "Fine." You turned to Lindir with a frown. "Can we start tomorrow? I've got something else to do this afternoon." Lindir gave a nod and a curt, "Yes." You left without another word.

The next day, you met Lindir in the library after school. He was already at the table, books spread out everywhere. "Hi." He barely looked up before replying in a clipped tone. Great. Just great. You plopped down in a chair and pulled out your homework.

For a few minutes, there was absolute silence between the two of you. Then Lindir asked, "What do you need help with?" You sighed as you slid your book over to him. "Everything." Lindir pursed his lips, making you roll your eyes. It was going to be a long afternoon.

Meanwhile, Lindir was doing his best not to panic. "School. Just focus on school and you'll be fine," he thought to himself. He knew he could get through these tutoring sessions if he focused on the subject at hand and not the enormous crush he had on you. The problem was just that; focusing on something other than you.

You were one of the most beautiful young women Lindir had met since starting high school. He couldn't help but get tongue-tied and shy around you. What he didn't understand is why you didn't like him. You were so cold toward him, only speaking to him in clipped sentences and running out as soon as classes were over. Not to mention how you'd reacted when Lindir was chosen as your tutor. Lindir had no clue how he was going to get through this.

*time skip*

"Do you think you're ready?" Lindir asked you. You glanced up at him in genuine surprise. "For?" Lindir chuckled softly. "For Erestor's test tomorrow." You grimaced. You'd been studying with Lindir for weeks now and while you were doing better in the class, your relationship with Lindir was the same. You spoke in short sentences unless it had to do with school and he was explaining something.

"I don't know, honestly." Your tongue darted out to lick your lips. You didn't miss Lindir's gaze flicking to them before he regained his composure. He still looked a bit crestfallen, so you decided to try and smooth things out between you. "I'm sure I'll be okay. You-You've been a great tutor, Lindir." Lindir smiled then. It was tiny smile, but definitely a pleased one, if the pink staining the tips of his ears was any indication.

"T-Thanks. You've been a great student. I have no doubt you'll pass the test." You didn't reply and silence descended on the two of you. You kept sneaking glances and found him looking back at you every time. Finally the quiet was too much. You cleared your throat and rose from your seat. "Thanks again, Lindir. I'll see you tomorrow."

The next day after school, you hurried through the hallways trying to get to the library to find Lindir. To your surprise, he wasn't there yet. You knew it wouldn't be long though, so you waited. As the clock ticked on you bounced on the balls of your feet. Finally, after what seemed like hours but was really only a couple of minutes, Lindir entered the library.

He looked confused as to why you seemed so happy to see him. You never looked that pleased during your time together. You usually looked like you'd rather be anywhere else. But the bright smile you gave him when he approached you threw him completely off guard.

"Lindir, I did it! I passed!" You practically shoved the test into his hands. It took a lot of persuading, but you'd managed to get Mr. Erestor to grade your test right after class was over. Lindir glanced down at the paper and grinned. It was a C. Not your best grade ever, but the best you'd ever done on one of Erestor's tests. Lindir beamed at you and, before either of you realized it, swept you up in a hug.

You stiffened slightly. You hadn't been expecting that from the standoffish young man. It did feel nice though. Then, as quickly as it began, the hug ended. Lindir's face was red from his neck to his ears. He mumbled something that sounded like an apology and darted away. It took you a full minute to come back to your senses. As soon as you had, you took off after Lindir.

You ran as fast your legs would carry you, but Lindir was really quick. "Lindir, wait!" you cried out. He didn't slow down at all. "Long-legged bastard," you muttered under your breath. It wasn't until you were outside that you caught up to him. You grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Why...did...you...run?" you panted. Lindir's blush deepened. "I shouldn't have hugged you. I know how you feel about me." Your brows knitted together as you caught your breath. "Wait, what?" Lindir sighed heavily, nearly dropping his books. "Don't worry about it, Y/N. I'm used to it. I'll see you Monday. Enjoy your weekend." You called after him as he walked away.

You were determined that you weren't going to let him get away. You followed him out to the parking lot. Lucky enough, your cars were parked next to one another. "Lindir, please wait." He placed his books in his car and stopped. His gaze met yours. "Can we talk about this?" After a beat, Lindir nodded. You smiled. "Great. You know that park around the corner? Meet there in an hour." Another nod.

An hour later, the two of you met in the park. You'd gotten there before Lindir and set out a blanket with your school books and a snack. Lindir sat down slowly, as if he was afraid to spook you. "What did you mean? You know how I feel about you?" you asked after a moment. You really had to know.

"It's obvious you don't like me. You're always so cold," he admitted softly. You felt yourself getting a little upset. "I never said I didn't like you, Lindir. Besides, it's you who doesn't like me. Every time I'm around you, unless it's about school, you don't talk to me. And when you do, it's very terse."

"I'm shy." You nodded a bit, but continued on, "I get that, but it seems you're only that way with me. You get along with Legolas and Arwen just fine." Lindir looked like he was about ready to explode. And then he did. "BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON EITHER OF THEM!"

You both stared at each other with wide eyes. "You what?" Lindir looked down at his lap. You reached over and placed a comforting hand on his knee. "Hey, it's okay." He lifted his eyes to meet yours. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Lindir, don't be. You shouldn't apologize for admitting your feelings. I wish I could say I felt the same, but I don't know you well enough yet."

Lindir raised his head and looked at you in surprise. "You mean...we could possibly-" You shrugged a bit. You could see a pretty good relationship happening with Lindir one day. But you weren't the kind of person to jump into a relationship, no matter what other teenagers were doing. "Maybe. But how about we try and be friends first. Then, who knows, maybe we'll give dating a shot after a while."

Lindir smiled. "I'd like that." You reached over and took his hand in yours. You tried to ignore the feeling that it felt so natural. So right. Instead, you gave it a squeeze and let go. "Me too, Lindir." 

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