An Unexpected Father (Dwalin x fem!child reader)

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(mentions of parental death)

A sobbing caught Dwalin's attention. He stopped moving, surprising everyone behind him. "Hush," he scolded, perking up his ears to listen. The cries grew a little louder. The whole Company began turning 'round in circles, trying to locate the source of the wails. They split up to maximize effort. They looked behind every rock and bush and suddenly the wailer was discovered.

You burst through a bush and ran right toward Dwalin. Kili appeared behind you, looking frightened. "I didn't do anything, I swear," he said. You ran and hid behind Dwalin's legs. "You frightened the poor girl, Kili," Balin replied. He glanced at you. "She appears to be no more than about seven or eight years of age, at least by human standards."

You peeked out from behind Dwalin's legs. You had run to him because he looked like he could protect you from the other one. He was bigger than most of them and a little scary looking. Balin noticed you looking at him and smiled. "What's your name, my dear?" You let out a squeak and ducked your head back behind Dwalin.

Meanwhile, Dwalin was unsure of what to do. You were gripping his legs tightly and his knees were locking, but he didn't want to move. He didn't want to scare you any more than you already were. "Lass," he spoke softer than most people ever heard him. You looked up with wide eyes. "Ya need ta tell us yer name. Got ta have somethin' ta call ya." You swallowed thickly. "Y/N."

"And where's yer mother? Yer father?" Your eyes started to water again. "T-They..." You dissolved into tears, scaring the Company. Most of them had no experience with children, and even less with little girls. Gloin, as father himself, tried to calm you, but your cries only grew louder. Bofur also tried to make you laugh, but your grip on Dwalin's legs only tightened.

"It seems the lass has taken a shining to you, brother. Perhaps you should try," Balin suggested. Dwalin let out a low grunt and nodded. Couldn't hurt. He carefully unclasped your hands from around his legs and turned to face you. He crouched down so he was eye level. "Y/N, ya need ta stop that cryin'. It won't do ya any good out here. Understand?" You sniffled, trying to stifle your sobs.

Sighing, Dwalin sat on a nearby boulder and pulled you into his lap. "Listen, girl, we can't help ya if ya don't tell us what happened." After a few minutes of silence, with the exception of your cries, you finally spoke. "An orc. A white orc." Dwalin glanced up at Thorin. He could malice in the king's gaze. "Azog." You snuggled into Dwalin. "Yer scarin' her, Thorin." Thorin cleared his throat and apologized.

*time skip to after BotFA*

Dwalin wasn't sure how it happened, but he became quite attached to you and you to him. You followed him everywhere he would let you and he looked after you. How a little girl had managed to keep up with them on the journey had been beyond him. And then, when Dwalin went to battle, he hid you safely in the mountain. He would not let you get harmed. All the time he fought, his mind kept wandering back to you.

When he returned to the mountain after the battle, he found you exactly where he'd left you. The moment you'd seen him, you flew out of your hiding place and into his arms. "I was so scared," you'd whimpered and Dwalin did his best to calm you. After that, Dwalin's job became keeping you out of the way while they rebuilt Erebor to its former glory. Luckily for him, Dis arrived and was really good with children.

One day, Dwalin left the forges and made his way to his home. You had been staying with him as you still hadn't quite warmed up to anyone else besides Dis. As soon as you saw him, you got up and ran to him with a toothy grin. "ADAD! Come look what I did with Lady Dis!" Dwalin's mouth dropped open. You'd called him "Father", something you'd never done before. You grabbed his large hand and pulled him toward the kitchen. Dis was standing there with a grin on her face. "I heard that," she whispered to him.

You pulled him over to the table where a plate of cookies sat waiting to be eaten. They definitely looked like they'd been made by a child, but you looked so proud that Dwalin had to chuckle. He gave your head a pat. "They look delicious, my girl." You giggled. "Thank you, Adad." Then, your little grin turned into a serious expression. "But you can't have any until after dinner." Dwalin and Dis both laughed. "I'll leave you to it then. Goodnight, Mister Dwalin. Goodnight, Y/N." Dis left and you looked back at Dwalin.

"Adad?" Dwalin hummed in response and you continued, "Would my real father be mad I call you that?" Dwalin's brows drew together. He had no idea how to answer that. It wasn't a question he ever expected. Granted, he never expected to adopt a random little girl. "I-I don't think so, Y/N. I think he'd be happy that yer bein' taken care of. That yer so loved by so many people." You smiled again. You stood up on a chair and threw your arms around his neck."I love you, Adad!" Dwalin wrapped his arms around you carefully. "I love ya too, my girl."    

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