Dwalin's Gift (Dwalin x fem!reader) Modern AU

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You sighed as you got out of your car. It had been a long day and the only thing you wanted to do was pour yourself a glass of wine and relax with your boyfriend. "Dwalin?" you called as you opened the front door and set down your keys. "Honey?" you asked. The house was far too quiet. Dwalin may not say much, but the house was never this quiet when you got home. You peeked out the window. Dwalin's car was in the driveway.

"Dwalin, love?" You made your way through your house until you made your way back to your shared bedroom. There, on the bed was your boyfriend. "Um..what do you have there, Dwalin?" you asked him, trying to hide your chuckle. Dwalin was sitting cross-legged on the bed. There were strings of thick red ribbon all over the room. "Dwalin Fundinson, what on earth are you doing in here?" you asked before you heard it.

A small yip, followed by another one from behind your boyfriend. "What is that?" Dwalin at least had the decency to look sheepishly. "Don't me angry with me, lass. I couldn't help it. It was just too...I couldn't help it." You narrowed your eyes as the small puppy appeared from behind Dwalin's back. "Oh, Dwalin, he's adorable!" You giggled as the little puppy bounced around the bed. You walked over and kissed the top of Dwalin's head. He blushed and pulled you into his lap.

"I got 'im for you, lass. I was hoping to have that ribbon around his neck before ya got home, but the little bugger wouldn't sit still." You gave another little chuckle and kissed him again. "Thank you, my love. But if he piddles on the bed, you're cleaning it up, Mr. Fundinson." you said before standing up. "How about you go order us some take-out while I clean up this mess and take the puppy out?" you asked. Dwalin nodded as you scooped the little puppy up in your arms and snuggled him close to your chest.

"Lucky devil," you heard Dwalin grumble. You rolled your eyes and set the puppy back down on the bed. "Come on, little guy. You can help me clean up this mess." After Dwalin left the room, you began cleaning up what seemed like miles of red ribbon. You were humming a little tune when you heard the little puppy growl. You looked up and saw a small box in his mouth. "Whatcha got there, boy?" You wrestled the box from him, opened it and gasped. "DWALIN!" you cried joyfully before darting from the room, the puppy at your heels.

You ran smack into Dwalin, causing the both of you to fall on the floor and the puppy to start barking. You kissed the love of your life over and over again. "Lass, what has gotten into ya?" You kissed him again before flashing the small velvet box with the diamond ring. "Look what Little Thorin found." Dwalin's face turned a shade of tomato red as he began stuttering. You kissed him once more to silence him. Little Thorin was bouncing around your feet as you got up.

"Little Thorin, huh?" You nodded. "Why not?" Dwalin shrugged. You looked pointedly at him. "Don't you have something you want to ask me, Dwalin?" He quirked his eyebrow at you before giving a wide smile. "Will ya marry me, Y/N?" You snaked your arms around his neck. "Yes, yes I will," you replied and gave him a passionate kiss that lasted until Little Thorin began pawing at your pants. "I guess I should take him out." Dwalin nodded and said, "Right, because if he piddles on the floor, you're cleaning it Mrs. Fundinson!" 

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