Intimidate (Thorin Oakenshield x reader)

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(a/n: This gets a little steamy, but nothing too bad.)

You shrank away from Thorin as he yelled. The gold sickness had taken hold of the king and was messing with his mind. He was consumed by the greed for the treasure in the mountain and more than anything, he wanted the Arkenstone that had yet to be found. "FIND IT NOW!" Thorin yelled again. The kind yet gruff ruler you had come to know was gone and in his place, was a dwarf filled with paranoia and lust for gold.

Thorin turned his deep blue eyes on you and growled. "Why are you just standing there?! Find the Arkenstone!" You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat. Part of you was afraid and the other part found this side of Thorin oddly, You'd had feelings for him since you met him, but seeing this new side was different. While watching his face, you'd tuned him out and hadn't realized that he was still barking orders at you.

Feeling someone grip your arm caused you to snap out of your daydream. Thorin had a tight hold on you as he dragged you away from the group. "If I find out you have hidden my jewel from me, I will have your head," he growled, his teeth bared at you. You were mesmerized by how his mouth moved when he spoke and you couldn't stop yourself. It was as if your body moved of its own accord. You pulled Thorin to you and smashed your lips against his.

Even with his mind clouded, Thorin responded to you, returning the kiss with just as much passion as you had. When you pulled back from the kiss, you looked into Thorin's eyes and saw they were beginning to clear. "You will not distract me from finding the Arkenstone if I have to personally search you for it," his voice still had a hard, rough edge to it but he pulled your mouth back to his in another frenzied kiss that left you breathless.

"Thorin,"you gasped out, "I do not have the Arkenstone." You opened your eyesand once again found him staring at you. For the briefest moment, you saw aglimpse of the old Thorin before his beautiful blue eyes once again cloudedover with the gold sickness. "Then get out there and find it," herasped shoving you back toward the mountain of gold. You grumbled to yourselfand returned to the search. You weredefinitely going to let Thorin have it when he was back to normal, but for nowyou didn't mind the intimidating side of Thorin. You brought your hand to yourswollen lips and smiled.r

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