Protective King (Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader)

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Thorin frowned as you walked away from him yet again. Your sass would be the death of him and once again, he wondered how you'd managed to wiggle your way into his Company. Ah, yes. Bilbo had insisted that you accompany him. The hobbit had raised you even though you were a human. He was your father in nearly every aspect and he would not leave you behind. So, you had come along, much to Thorin's dismay.

It wasn't because he didn't like you. Just the opposite. Thorin adored you. Your sassy wit more than made up for your short stature. You were kind, but didn't let others push you around, not even him. Still, he felt the need to protect you more than anyone else. Thorin began to wonder and to hope that you were his One. Not that he said anything. That wasn't his way. Especially because you didn't feel the same.

But you did. You had fallen in love with the grumpy dwarf nearly from the start. Those aqua eyes made you melt every single time he looked at you. However, you just knew he'd never love you back. You were human after all, not a dwarf. And he was a king while you were You decided that the best course of action would be to hide your feelings as best you could. It wasn't until you were in Laketown that everything was revealed.

It was the morning you would be traveling to Erebor. You were the room the Master had let you have when there was a knock at your door. "Come in," you called out, packing up your bag. The door opened and Thorin stepped inside. "Miss Y/N." You could hear the uncertainty in his voice and it worried you. "What is it?"

"I wish for you to stay behind. To remain in Laketown." Your eyes widened in shock. "What? No! Why?" Thorin frowned and his gaze hardened. "You will slow us down." You glared at him and you crossed your arms over your chest. "Excuse me?! Since we began this journey, when have I ever slowed you down? Let's see...never!" Thorin fought back a groan. He should have known that excuse would never work. You were far too stubborn. "It is too dangerous, Y/N. If something happened to you, your father would never forgive me."

"I can take care of myself, Thorin. Have your forgotten how I handled the spiders? Or the trolls? Or the Wargs?" Thorin couldn't decide whether to frown or laugh. "Please, Y/N. I know you are more than capable, but please, stay here." You shook your head and this time, Thorin did groan. "You stubborn woman! Why can't you understand what I'm trying to do?!"

"All I see is you trying to leave me behind, to keep me out of your precious Erebor." You were still standing with your arms crossed, watching him with fire in your eyes. Thorin's fists were clenched at his side."No. I am trying to protect something much more precious!" You arched a brow and Thorin realized what he had said. "Precious to all of us. To the Company," he tried to back track.

You uncrossed your arms and took a step closer to him. "Thorin, you can't make me stay here. I have something precious to protect as well," you admitted with a sad sigh. He looked at you in confusion. "Guess I'm a better actress than I thought. You haven't seen the way I look at you. The way I feel about you," you told him, your voice soft and all traces of sass gone. You were now looking at your feet, embarrassed that you'd finally confessed your feelings for the king.

Thorin hooked your chin with his thumb and forefinger. He lifted your face up to meet your eyes. "Y/N, I promise I will come back for you. You mean far too much to me to leave you forever." You did your best to shake your head. "Then don't leave me at all, please. I need to be with you, to be sure you're safe." You were looking up at him with those big, pleading eyes of yours and Thorin couldn't refuse you. "Alright. Just promise me you won't go running into danger." You nodded and grinned.

"Of course. Besides, if I go looking for trouble, who's going to keep you out of it?" Thorin chuckled. There it was again. That sass that would be the death of the dwarf king. "Are you ready then, Amrâlimê?" he asked, letting go of your chin. You shook your head. "Not yet. There's one more thing I need." Thorin asked you what it was and you instantly pressed your lips to his. He was beaming when you pulled away. "Now I'm ready." You and Thorin left the room, ready to tackle the final leg of your journey.     

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