Trust and Comfort (The Company x fem!reader)

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(Warnings: The reader has a fear of men)

You had a fear. A fear some would call irrational, but a fear nonetheless. You had a fear of men and, like many fears, it inhibited you sometimes. It had nearly kept you from joining the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. You really didn't have any other choice though. It was travel with them or freeze to death. So, you accepted the offer to travel with them until you could find a place to stay. You'd managed to keep your fear a secret until one night by the fire.

You were sitting there, not really talking to anyone when Bofur approached you. "Here ya are, Y/N. Some stew for yer belly." When you reached out for the bowl, he took a step closer, causing you to flinch away. Bofur's brows rose in confusion but he took a step back and handed you the bowl. "T-thank you," you managed to get out. The usually cheerful dwarf gave you a sad nod and left you to your food, opting instead to go talk to Thorin.

"Thorin? There's something up with Y/N." Thorin arched a brow and Bofur explained what just happened. Gandalf was there as well and he nodded in understanding. "It appears that Y/N has a fear of men." Thorin turned to look at the wizard. "We are not Men." The old wizard huffed and Bilbo corrected, "She fears the male species in general. Have you not noticed how she keeps distance between herself and the rest of us?"

The two dwarves pondered for a moment and realized Bilbo was right. Thorin nodded, quickly making up his mind. He walked over to you and sat next to you, making sure to keep some distance between you. "Y/N, I have noticed your...discomfort around us and I need to know. Is there any way for me to help you?" You stared at him, blinking rapidly. No one had ever offered to help you before. They usually just brushed it off as you being weird.

"I, uh, don't know," you told him honestly before going into the reasons why you had the fear you did. "I understand, Y/N, at least to a degree. Perhaps the Company and I can help you." You were wary, but you nodded anyway. Thorin smiled and got up. One-by-one, he approached different members of the Company to inform them of the situation and ask them to keep it in mind when interacting with you.

Over the next several weeks, the Company treated you differently. They didn't walk on eggshells around you, but they didn't pressure you either. They kept at least four feet between you and them unless you indicated you were okay. They never spoke above a normal tone around you and they were sure to make certain you were comfortable during all interactions.

After some time, you began to realize that these men would never hurt you. In fact, they would all willing give their lives to protect you, even Bilbo. They were your friends. One night, you decided to test your own boundaries. When Bofur brought you your supper, you actually got up and met him halfway. You stood closer than you normally would, despite the shaking in your knees and even let your hands touch his, very briefly.

Bofur's face lit up with a grin, as did everyone else's. You were making progress. While the fear still existed, you had realized that not all men were the same. This particular group of males were ones you could trust. The Company cheered happily and you couldn't help but smile. Maybe, just maybe, with their help, you could manage your fear better than you ever had before. 

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