Cooking (Dwalin x fem!reader)

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When the older dwarf first met you, he didn't think much of you. You were a shy lass, didn't talk much. Not in Dwalin's own brooding fashion, but simply because you were a little shy around new people. Dwalin wasn't sure what you could bring to the Company, but Thorin had agreed to let you join them, at least temporarily. At first, Dwalin didn't spend much time with you, but that all changed the first night you cooked for them.

"Here you are, Master Dwalin," you said, handing him a bowl with a smile. Dwalin nodded his thanks before returning to his spot around the fire. The pleasant aroma hit Dwalin's nose as he brought the spoon to his lips. If it tasted half as wonderful as it smelled, the Company was in for a treat. As he took the first bite, Dwalin's eyes widened. How, with such limited supplies, had you managed to make something so incredibly delicious? Your cooking beat out Bombur's by a million, at least.

From that night on, Dwalin looked forward to every meal you cooked. He couldn't get enough. Every night, he'd take a bite and savor it on his tongue. He looked up to meet your gaze and see you smiling at him. Although he wasn't embarrassed or shy about enjoying his meal, he hadn't expected you to be looking at him as he did so.

"Are you enjoying it, Master Dwalin?" you asked after the seventh night in a row. Dwalin couldn't seem to unglue his tongue from the roof as his mouth as he took you in. He hadn't been so close to you before, but you were truly a beautiful woman. Inside and out, it seemed. "Aye, lass." You grinned, practically aglow. "I'm so glad. Food is a language of love, I find." With that, you returned to your pot to see if anyone wanted seconds.

It went on like that for while. Dwalin didn't speak to you except at meal times when he graciously complimented your cooking. But that didn't stop him from observing you and listening when you spoke. After a while, Dwalin realized that his thoughts turned from cooking to you. They became consumed with you. How your face looked illuminated by the fire as you cooked. How your lips always parted in a smile for him. It didn't take a genius to know that Dwalin was falling love and for once, the old warrior was afraid.

He'd had lovers before. He was a seasoned dwarrow, a warrior. But Dwalin had never been in love. He'd never had his heart and thoughts so consumed by one person before. Yes, he was head over heels and had absolutely no idea what to do. He knew he could probably just tell you, but every time he opened his mouth to say anything about it, you would turn those (e/c) eyes on him and smile and Dwalin would lose all ability to speak to you. He was like a adolescent dwarrow again.

Dwalin was watching you again when Thorin, Balin, and Bofur approached. "It seems someone has their eye on our lovely cook," Thorin commented off-handedly. Dwalin looked at him out of the corner of his eye before glancing back at you. "Why don't you go talk to the lass, Brother?" Dwalin bit back a groan. He hated when they meddled.

"I think he's shy." Dwalin felt his cheeks heat up at Bofur's comment. "Shut it," he muttered, earning a laugh from the three. "I can't talk ta her," he continued softly after a moment, "I can't think around her. I don't know what ta say." The other three dwarves exchanged a glance. "I believe I may have a solution. Thorin, lad, would you mind keeping our young lady busy for a bit?" Thorin arched a brow, but agreed. If there was one thing he was good at, it was giving orders.

Once Thorin had walked over to you, Balin pulled his brother away from the camp. "What are ya doin'?" Dwalin asked. Balin shushed him and continued on until they found a space far enough away. "You want to tell the lass how you feel? Start by cooking something for her. You bonded over food, after all." Dwalin thought for a moment. It made sense except for the fact that Dwalin couldn't cook to save his life. Balin saw the look on his brother's face and said, "Just try," before leaving him alone again.

Dwalin had no idea what he was doing or how the rest of the Company was keeping you busy, but he knew he had to try. So, he gathered up what needed and started a fire. While he did that, other members of the Company snuck over to him to deposit supplies. They all smiled and wished him luck. Dwalin tried to imitate you as he chopped a few things and tossed them into the pot. He tried to remember certain seasonings. Hopefully, he would make you proud and give himself the confidence to admit how he felt about you.

After what seemed like hours, Dwalin was finally finished. He walked slowly back to camp, his heart pounding like never before. He refused to look at anyone but you as he approached. "Y/N?" You turned to him. Your lips upturned slowly into a smile. "Master Dwalin! I was worried you were going to miss supper." Taking that as his cue, Dwalin thrust the bowl of his concoction at you.

"What's this?" you asked. Dwalin muttered something about making it for you. Your smiled widened. "You did? That is very kind." You gingerly took the bowl and brought the spoon up to your lips. Dwalin thought his heart would beat right out of his chest as he watched your face. It was...not good.

"This-This is..." you trailed off, trying to find the right words. "Awful," Dwalin supplied, "I knew it. I shouldn't have tried. I just wanted...I just wanted ta impress ya. Show ya I care." Dwalin took the bowl from you and walked away. He didn't hear your footsteps behind him. He sat down with a huff. You sat down next to him and placed a gentle hand on his arm.

"You care for me?" you asked. Dwalin let his eyes flicker over to you. "More than ya can ever know. I-I think I love ya. I thought I could show ya by cookin' for ya." You sniffled a bit. "That is possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, Dwalin. Thank you." You leaned over and kissed his cheek. Once again, Dwalin's face turned bright red to the tips of his ears.

"But it was terrible!" You laughed a little at his outburst. "You just need a little practice is all. I wasn't any good the first few times I cooked either." Dwalin looked over at you in disbelief. "Really?!" You nodded. "Sure. I burnt nearly everything. And once made a soup too spicy. My father said he couldn't taste anything else for a week." Dwalin laughed at that before a comfortable silence fell over you.

"I could, I mean, I could teach you. If you'd like." Dwalin let a soft smile creep onto his face. "Would ya?" Once again, you gave Dwalin a smile that made his insides flutter. "Of course. We can start tomorrow. Tonight, I'd like to talk, just the two of us. I'd like to really get to know the dwarf who had begun capturing my heart." Dwalin took your hand in his and gave it a small squeeze. When you squeezed back, Dwalin realized that, even if he never saw the treasure in Erebor again, he had the best memory and the most fulfilling moment in his life so far right there with you. 

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