Training With the King (Thranduil x reader x Legolas)

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"Good form, Y/N. However, you grip your sword too tightly. If you do not wish a broken wrist, I would suggest loosening your grip slightly," King Thranduil's voice called out above the sound of swords clashing. You followed his instructions and waited for another blow. You never thought you'd ever get a chance to train with the king himself and yet, here you were. The two of you now trained together with ease. You had grown accustomed to his presence and even his harshness. You knew it would only help you in the long run.

"Good. I do believe you've earned a rest," he said with a rare smile. You bowed deeply. "Thank you, my king." You turned away, ready to slake your thirst. Your eyes found Legolas. He was holding your wineskin. "Thank you, my prince." You smiled at him. "You are improving, Y/N. Ada is doing wonders for you." He said the last part with bitterness.

You and Legolas had always been close and you knew he had feelings for you. However, you'd begun to notice someone else. Thranduil. His feelings were far less transparent that his son's, but you could tell nevertheless. The two of you had gotten even closer as you trained with him. You couldn't help but be somewhat attracted to your king. The two were competing for your affection, but your heart was in limbo.

"Y/N, perhaps you could join me for a stroll?" Legolas asked you, his blue eyes full of hope. His eyes were lovely, a similar shade of blue to Thranduil's, but not quite as stunning. You opened your mouth to answer, but Thranduil interrupted, "Ready yourself, Y/N. We shall have one more bout before we must quit." Legolas frowned and left.

You turned to face Thranduil whose face was a mask of jealousy, an emotion his son hid better. "Was that necessary, my king?" Thranduil merely smirked and grabbed his sword. You picked yours up and began again. As you trained, you talked as always. This time, however, the subject matter was a bit different. "Jealousy is unbecoming of a king, Thranduil," you said boldly. Thranduil looked at you in amusement for a moment before saying, "I am not jealous, Y/N. I merely do not think you should be distracted during training."

You gave him a smirk and chuckled. "And if I were jealous?" You gave a half shrug. You weren't really sure. What you did know was that you could not continue this way. "My king, I really must protest. The two of you have my heart so confused." Thranduil stopped moving and lowered his weapon. "Confused? You do not know where your heart lies?" You shook your head.

"How could I? You and the prince do not give me a moment's time to consider," you told him. You took a deep breath, knowing that what you were going to say was going to hurt them both. "I believe I am done with training for today, my king. I would like to speak to both you and your son at the same time, if you will permit." Thranduil's perfect brows furrowed in confusion, but he agreed, summoning Legolas.

Once Legolas reappeared, you sighed deeply. You knew this was not going to be easy to tell them. "I have made a decision. I have decided to leave Mirkwood. I will travel to Lórien or Imladris. I cannot stay here any longer. Not when my heart is pulling me in two directions," you said, your eyes never leaving their faces. They reacted exactly the way you expected.

At first, they said nothing. Then they both began an attempt to change your mind. You held your hand up to silence them. "I-I love you both, but I cannot remain when I cannot choose. It would be unwise and unfair to all of us." Then, you did something very human. You stepped forward and kissed them both on the cheek. Thranduil first and then Legolas. "Farewell, my loves. I pray we meet again." With that, you turned away. You left Mirkwood that evening, casting one last glance behind you as you rode forth to Imladris.


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