Incompatible (Thranduil x fem!human reader)

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(Angst! Some self-loathing)

Familiarity breeds contempt. That's the phrase, isn't it? Although, in most cases, the contempt is directed at the other person or the relationship itself. But not in your case. In your case, your contempt was directed at yourself. After all, you can only overhear "She isn't a good queen" so many times before you begin to question yourself. And you can only fight with your husband so many times before you can't take it anymore.

"We cannot stay hidden behind our walls, Thranduil. As king, it is your duty to help the realms around you as well. Mirkwood cannot survive on its own," you attempted to reason with your husband. "Y/N, we have lived this way for many years. We are surviving. To change now would bring certain death and destruction to my people." You winced when he said "his" people. It was just another reminder that you were not one of them. You weren't an Elf, but a human.

With a sigh, you left the room. All your insecurities began to pile up one right after the other. Soon, it was like this horrible weight on your shoulders and chest. What were you doing? What made you think you would ever be a good queen to a race of immortal beings? What made you think that you, a human, would ever be compatible with Thranduil? The answer was that you weren't. You clearly weren't a good queen and you were incompatible with Thranduil. If you were better, maybe Thranduil would take your advice seriously and maybe the people would respect you.

Throughout the rest of the day and into the night, these thoughts plagued you. You stayed silent through dinner, ignoring the glances your husband was giving you across the table. You felt like the walls were closing in on you. You needed to get out of there and fast. So after dinner, you sped to your room and began throwing things in a pack.

"Where are you going?" Thranduil's voice made you jump. "I-I have to leave." You heard the door close and soon felt Thranduil behind you. He moved to wrap his arms around you, but you moved out of the way. "Y/N?" You could feel tears forming in your eyes. "I'm leaving, Thranduil." You could still feel the heat of his gaze on your back.

"Leaving? Why? Where will you go?" Finally you turned to him with tears spilling over your cheeks. He was back in front of you in an instant, wiping your tears away. "I'm not an elf," you stated simply. "What has that to do with anything, Melamin?" You sniffled and pulled away from him. "It has everything to with what is happening now, Thranduil." Your voice was so soft and dejected, you knew he had to hear it.

"We were never meant to be, Thranduil. Your people agree. They say I am not a good queen. That I am not right for you. And they are right. How could I possibly be enough for the great Thranduil? I love you. With all my heart, but I cannot stay here. I cannot be the queen you need me to be." You cupped his cheek for a brief moment before grabbing your pack and heading for the door.

Thranduil grabbed your arm gently. "Please...Y/N. Don't do this." It took everything in you not to stare into those icy blue eyes. You knew if you did, you would give into whatever he wanted. "I have to. I release you from your vows, Thranduil. I hope you find someone worthy of you." You removed his hand from your arm with the utmost care and opened the door. Every step you took away from him broke your heart. You could only pray he'd heal sooner rather than later.

*time skip*

You froze in place when you saw Thranduil's son enter the gardens. "You are here. I had heard the rumors, but until now, I was unsure. Why did you leave Mirkwood?" You licked your lips. "Legolas-" you began, but he cut you off. "Ada was distraught by your leaving. He refused to leave his chambers. He refused to rule over his people, if the letters I have received from the guard are to be believed. He needs you, Y/N."

"No he doesn't. He never did. Your people did not need me. You heard them the same as I." Legolas' glare could have frozen beer. "You should not have listened. I didn't. Ada didn't. He loved you and though it has been two years, I believe he loves you still. You should return to him."

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