Sacrifice (Fili x reader)

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You were bleeding. A lot. The run-in with goblins left you with a gaping wound in your side. You had no time to focus on that though when you heard the Wargs approaching. "Up the trees!" Gandalf called out. Fili grabbed your hand and pulled you along. Had you not lost so much blood, you probably would have blushed. You loved Fili almost from the start. Not only was he handsome, he was kind and a little bit mischievous. Basically everything you looked for in a man, well dwarf.

You struggled to climb the tree as more and more blood seeped from the open wound. The Wargs kept on in their relentless pursuit as you fought to keep up with Fili. When Azog appeared, Thorin went forward to meet him in battle and Bilbo was right behind him. A small battle raged on below as you and the rest of the company threw flaming pinecones at the Wargs and orcs. You knew that if the orcs took down Thorin, they would come after the rest of the company. They would come after Fili. You couldn't let that happen so you did the only thing you could think to do.

You jumped from the tree and in front of Thorin just as Azog's blow struck. "Y/N!" you heard Fili scream as you fell. You heard Azog taunting the company in black speech. You closed your eyes and waited. You knew that you were going to die and you were fine with it. You understood that, if you had made it out with the company, you would have slowed them down and they couldn't afford any more delays. "Y/N!" Fili cried again. Then your world went black.

Fili watched in horror as your eyes closed and an eagle picked you up. You couldn't be dead. You just couldn't. He never got the chance to tell you how he felt. Fili looked between you and Thorin over and over again until the eagles landed. As soon as he was on land, Fili rushed to your side. "Y/N? Come on, Y/N," he begged as Thorin was scolding and then hugging Bilbo. "Gandalf?" Fili whispered, "Is there something you can do? Anything?"

The wizard bent over you and said a quick spell. Your chest began to rise and fall again. "Now it is up to Y/N." Fili held you close and murmured words of encouragement. "You can do it. Wake up, my love," he breathed out. "We have to move on," Thorin whispered. "NO! Y/N sacrificed themselves for us! For you!" Fili yelled at his uncle, something he never would have done under normal circumstances. "Shh. I'm trying to sleep," Fili heard you whisper.

He looked down at you with a smile and tears pricking his eyes. "Y/N! Oh, thank Mahal!" You gave him a cheeky smile. "You can't get rid of me that easy." You sat up slowly and winced. "I still need this wound taken care of, but I think I'll be alright." Thorin came over and knelt beside you. "I would not have left you, you know that?" You laughed a little and replied, "I know you wouldn't because you know when I found you again, I'd shove Dwalin's axe where the sun doesn't shine."

The gruff leader actual laughed and left you and Fili. "So, Fee. What was that you called me?" Fili gulped and his eyes widened. "Y-you heard that?" You nodded and pulled him closer. "I love you too, Fili." You closed the space between you.


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