Meant For Someone Else pt. 2

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(Dwalin x reader, Modern/Accidental text AU)

You sighed heavily as you waited for your phone to ping. You'd been texting with Dis. You knew she was busy, but you'd been waiting all day. Maybe you just needed to call her. With another sigh, you picked up the phone and checked to make sure you'd actually sent the text. You had, but to the wrong person. You sent it to Dwalin. Before you could send another text and let him know you'd made a mistake, your phone rang. You answered it with a smile. "Hey, Dis! You have news for me?"

*Dwalin's POV*

There was something off about you that night. You were acting nervous. You were never nervous around Dwalin. You were typically the more assertive when it came to what you wanted in the relationship while Dwalin was willing to do anything to make you happy. But that wasn't the case that night. Based on the text you'd sent him, you were hiding something and Dwalin didn't know what.

"What's wrong?" he asked over dinner, making you jump. You had been so focused on your phone that you weren't expecting his voice to cut through the silence. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong," you answered softly. Dwalin arched a brow. "Y/N...whatever it is, tell me. I can take it." Your brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" Dwalin set his fork down. "There's something botherin' ya. You've hardly said a word when normally ya never stop talkin' at dinner. And ya keep looking at your phone like you're waitin' for something. I-Is there...Are ya thinkin' of leavin' me?"

"DWALIN, NO!" The words practically exploded out of your mouth, "Of course not! I love you, you big lug! It's just I've been trying to figure something out. It's got me a little on edge." Dwalin stood up, came around the table, and pulled you to your feet. He hugged you close. "I love ya too. Since the day I sent that text to ya on accident. You've been there for me now I'm gonna be there for ya. Whatever ya need."

"I'm sorry I worried you, Dwalin. I promise this isn't a bad thing. It will actually be really good for me. Possibly both of us." Dwalin arched a brow. "Y/N, you're not makin' sense. What is that ya don't know how to tell me?" Your head popped up to look at him again and he laughed. "Ya sent me a text asking advice on how to tell me something." You chuckled. "You didn't respond. I thought you'd forgotten."

Dwalin didn't reply. He merely waited for you to say what was on your mind, no matter how badly he wanted you to hurry. You had to take your time. That was one big difference between you. Dwalin often spoke without thinking while you took time to say what was on your mind unless you were angry. You dug into your pocket and placed something on the table between the two place settings. Dwalin glanced down. A key. One solitary key.

"What's that?" You beamed at him. "What I wanted to talk to you about. That message I sent was meant for Dis. I've been working with find a house. I've been working for it for so long and I was finally about to afford it. I-I wanted to ask if you'd move in with me. We spend so much time at each other's places already and-". Dwalin cut off your ramblings, squeezing you closer.

"I wasn't expecting this. But yes. Of course I'll move in with ya." Your smile grew, if that was even possible. "Thank you! I love you so much!" You cried, planting a deep kiss to his lips, which he gratefully returned. You kissed him until his lungs screamed for air and he had to pull away. He muttered a curse under his breath that you still heard, making you laugh.

"When do we move in?" he asked after catching his breath. "As soon as we want." Before Dwalin could reply, his stomach growled loudly. The two of you shared a laugh and sat back down to finish supper. While you ate, you talked about your new home. You showed him pictures when you finished. You spent the rest of the evening cuddled up together, sharing your thoughts and ideas about the next step in your life. Dwalin kissed your temple and settled in, picturing what life would be like and where it would take you both next. 

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