Family Time Pt. 2 (Dwalin x fem!elf reader)

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You sat in your rocking chair in front of the fire, humming gently to yourself as you read. Your keen elf ears picked up the sounds of your husband in the other room putting your son to bed. You could not believe just how fast the boy had grown. He was a little over four years old now and was beginning to show more Dwarvish features than Elvish ones. You sighed happily as you heard Dwalin's heavy footsteps approaching the room.

"Good evening, Melamin," you greeted with a smile. Dwalin returned the smile and slumped down into his own chair. He sat watching you in the glow of the fire. You were so beautiful as your eyes remained focused on the words on the pages of your old book. Dwalin watched the flames for a few moments, enjoying the silence.

When he tore his eyes away from the fire, Dwalin found you watching him. "Are you alright, Dwalin?" He nodded and held out a hand, indicating he wanted you to come over. You got up and slowly walked over to his chair and took his hand. He carefully pulled you into his lap and placed a chaste kiss to your lips. "I am well, Amrâlimê. Just enjoyin' my time with ya and our boy."

You glanced down briefly and then looked back up at him with a grin. Dwalin cocked his head a little. "What?" You leaned in and kissed him again before you answered. "Our boy is growing so quickly. Perhaps he would care for a younger brother or sister." You could see the gears turning in his head before he smiled to match yours. "Y/N, are ya?" You nodded happily. "With child. Yes."

Dwalin placed an arm under your legs and stood with you in his arms. He twirled you around, laughing. "This is wonderful news. How far gone are ya?" he asked once he set you down. "About three moons." He kissed you again and you smiled. Dwalin paced a large had on your stomach, just as he had when you discovered your pregnancy with your son. He spoke in low tones to the child growing within for a couple of minutes before taking you by the hands and leading you to your bedroom where you lay encircled in his arms all night.

This next morning, much to your surprise, Dwalin was awake before you and attempting to wrangle your son for breakfast. You suppressed a giggle as the young one kept darting away from his father. He definitely had the speed and agility of an elf. Dwalin let out a playful growl and this time, you couldn't stifle your laugh.

"Amad!" your son cried, running to you and hiding behind your legs. "It is time to dress, Ionneg so we can eat." You ushered him back into the room so you could go prepare breakfast. A few minutes later, Dwalin came in with a triumphant smile on his face and your son trailed behind. "I see he is dressed." Dwalin nodded. "Aye. I told 'im that 'is Amad had a surprise for 'im and 'e hopped right to it."

You playfully glared at your husband when your son toddled over to you. "Amad, what is the surprise?" he asked. You smiled down at him and said, "Well, my little star, it is a glorious thing. It has only happened once before in our home. You are soon to have a baby brother or sister." Your son's face lit up and he squealed. "I want a brother! Where is he?!" You and Dwalin shared a laugh. "He is not here yet, young one. Your brother or sister is growing inside me, right here," you replied, placing your hand on your stomach.

Theboy took his small hand and reached up. "In here? He would not fit,Amad!" You shook your head. "Yer Amad's belly will grow as the babegrows. " The boy nodded as if he completely understood and then wrappedhis tiny arms around your legs. Dwalin closed the distance between you andscooped up the boy so he could pull you both into a hug.vfh}

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