In the Early Hours (Legolas x fem!reader)

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Legolas' eyes scanned the area, looking for anything out of the ordinary. And did he find it! His keen sight caught a glimpse of a flash of (h/c). He readied his bow and followed after the flash, ignoring the cries of his companions. He couldn't waste a second. What if that flash was a threat to the Fellowship? He couldn't allow that.

His feet barely hit the ground as he ran. It was as if he were flying over the terrain. Legolas lost sight of his quarry, so he stopped to listen. He picked up the soft sounds of breathing. There was also a slight whimper. Furrowing his brows, Legolas followed the sound. His bow was raised and he was ready to take out the threat. He didn't expect to find a woman sitting up against a boulder and crying.

"Please don't kill me," you whispered through your tears. Legolas lowered his bow and returned his arrow to the quiver. He took slow and careful steps toward you. "It is alright. I won't hurt you." You looked up at him with wide (e/c) eyes. "Why were you running?" You began to shake and couldn't seem to answer. Legolas easily sensed your distress and told you that you didn't need to reply right away.

"Come with me," he suggested, offering you a hand. You looked at it and shook your head. "I don't know you." Legolas smiled slightly. "Im Legolas. I swear to you that I mean you no harm and nor will my companions. We can keep you safe," he tried to reassure you. You bit your lip and reluctantly took his hand. You let him help you up.

You were still unsure, but being with the elf had to be better than running from orcs. It couldn't be any worse. Could it? So, you followed silently after him. Occasionally, he would look back at you with that same soft smile. You hadn't said anything since you got up. Your mind was too full. It was Legolas' voice that pulled you out of your own head. "Do you have a name, my lady? We shall need something to call you." You laughed softly. "Y/N. My name is Y/N."

Legolas woke up to the feeling of someone nudging him. He opened his eyes and met those of his young son. The little boy's eyes widened in fear. "Sorry, Father," he whispered and Legolas smiled. Apparently, the child had a nightmare and crawled into the bed with the two of them.

Legolas glanced over at you and smiled. In the light of the dawning sun, you looked radiant. Even in sleep. Legolas counted himself lucky that he had found you. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have what he had now. When he had brought you to the others, they all immediately agreed to help you. However, you soon proved that you were capable of protecting yourself to a degree.

After that, you and Legolas had become close. Very close. Legolas had found himself falling for you faster than he ever thought possible. He wanted to protect you more than anything. He wanted to love you and wanted you to love him. Luckily for him, you had shared his feelings and the two of you had married shortly upon your return to Gondor after the battle.

A light groan brought Legolas out of his memories. Your eyes opened slowly and Legolas reached over. He pushed a strand of hair from your face. You smiled sleepily. You snuggled closer to your son, holding him in your arms. "He had a nightmare," Legolas whispered. You glanced up at him and hummed. You stretched up slightly and kissed your husband.

Legolas turned and placed his arm over his son so he was touching you, connecting the three of you. This was Legolas' favorite time of day. In the early hours of the morning, when the world outside had yet to stir. When Legolas could stay with his family in the peace and quiet. "Amin mela lle," he whispered in the slowly brightening room. 

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