Rohan Rescue (Eomer x fem!reader)

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When Eomer left the city of Rohan on patrol that morning, he assumed it would be like any other day. He was wrong. The sounds of battle reached his keen ears and he ordered his men to follow behind. As he followed the noise, he wondered what was happening. What he found would change his life in a way he never expected.

Eomer saw the Wargs first, then the orcs. Then, in the center of a ring of the ugly creatures, there was a woman. You. You had a sword in one hand, a shield in the other, and you were fighting as best you could. You were outnumbered, but that didn't seem to deter you. You were fighting for your life and the life of the little girl and boy clinging to your legs. Your horse lay dead a few feet away.

Without missing a beat, Eomer and the rest of his riders rode forward, slicing through orcs and Wargs as they made their way to you. The orcs turned their attention to the new threat and you were able to pull the two children to safety.

It didn't take long for the riders to defeat the orcs. Eomer's green-grey eyes scanned the area and found your shaking form. He dismounted his horse and made his way over to you. "Are you alright, my lady?" You started to nod, but the little girl next to you replied, "No, you're not, Y/N. You're bleeding." Your brows furrowed and you looked down. Eomer's gaze followed yours and, sure enough, there was fresh blood staining your dress.

"You're hurt. Come along. I will get you to Rohan." You shook your head. "No. I promised I'd get these children to Rivendell. We have to keep moving." You took the children's hands and went to take a step. You stumbled right into Eomer's arms. Sighing, Eomer scooped you up and carried you over to his horse. The children followed closely behind. "Come. You will be safe in Rohan. When your guardian has healed, we shall make certain you get to Rivendell." The children nodded.

After some struggle, Eomer got the two children on one horse with another rider and he put you on his own horse, climbing up behind you. Your eyes were closed and Eomer took a moment to study your face. It was caked in sweat and dirt, but it didn't detract from your beauty. Plus, the way you had handled yourself against those orcs was something to be proud of. It was the kind of determination Eomer looked for in his riders, as well as his friends.

When they returned to Rohan, Eomer carefully pulled you from the horse and took you to the healers while his sister took over caring for the children. No sooner had Eomer laid you down did your eyes open. You looked around frantically. "Where are the children?" you asked. Eomer assured you that they were fine and that you needed to let the healers do their job.

He could tell you didn't like that. You clearly weren't used to being cooped up and still. So, he said the one thing he was certain would calm you. "You won't be any use to those children if you don't let them heal you." You crossed your arms over your chest and huffed, but didn't argue. Eomer smirked and got up, knowing he had won. For now anyway.

*time skip*

Eomer sighed as he left the healers room. "Stubborn woman," he muttered. It was taking you twice as long as it should have to heal. You just wouldn't sit still and listen. However, there was no malice or even frustration in Eomer's tone. If anything, it was admiration. He admired your tenacity and spunk. He found it endearing that you were willing to do anything to keep moving. It was a quality he himself possessed.

"You fancy her," Eowyn said from next to him. Eomer scoffed lightly. "I admire her fighting spirit, nothing more." Eowyn snorted out a laugh. "You may be able to convince others of that, dear brother, but you forget that I grew up with you. I know when you fancy someone and you fancy Lady Y/N." Eomer didn't respond. She was right. He'd gotten to know you even better as you'd been healing. He made sure to visit you every day, sometimes with the children and sometimes alone. If you weren't so hell bent on leaving for Rivendell as soon as you were healed, Eomer would have said something.

Eowyn was obviously pleased with Eomer's lack of response as she turned and walked away, a spring in her step. Eomer rolled his eyes and shook his head fondly. He looked over his shoulder at the closed to door of the healer's room. Should he go back and tell you how he felt? Would it change your mind about leaving? He doubted it. The Rider of Rohan had no idea what to do. He walked away from the door, his mind trying to formulate a plan to get you to stay.

"Lord Eomer!" two small voices called out when Eomer entered the Great Room. Eomer smiled. For some reason, the children that had arrived with you had wiggled their way into his heart as well. "Well, what can I do for you today?" he asked them. "Do we really have to leave?" Eomer frowned slightly. "Lady Y/N made a promise to escort you to Rivendell." They started to pout.

"We don't want to live with the elves. We want to stay here. We like it here." Eomer smiled again. "I will see if I can convince Lady Y/N." The two children beamed up at him before hugging his legs. "Thank you!" With that, they ran off again. They were pretending to ride horses around the room and an idea came to Eomer.

He turned on his heel and made his way back to the healer's room. Sure, he was going back with a half-cooked idea, but he had to try. Perhaps this would let you stay with him. "Lord Eomer," you greeted when he opened the door, "I did not expect to see you again so soon." Your face wore a cheeky grin and Eomer rolled his eyes playfully.

Before he could lose his nerve, Eomer spoke, "Join my riders." You arched a brow. "Pardon?" You sat up slowly. "I am offering you a place with the Riders of Rohan. You are skilled in combat and you have the bearing of a rider. You would be under my protection." You shook your head. "I can't. I told you. I have to escort the children." Eomer came over and sat down on the bed by your knees. "As a rider, you would be able to do that, along with several other riders. We could protect the children and then return here." You shook your head. "I cannot leave them."

Eomer frowned. He set his hand on your knee and gazed into your (e/c) eyes. "And if the children do not wish to travel to Rivendell? If they desire to stay here?" You furrowed your brows. "Do they? They know their mother wanted them to be safe. Rivendell is the safest place for them." Eomer chuckled. "I believe the safest place for them is wherever you are, my lady. So, again, you have a place among my riders, if you wish it."

"Why are you so adamant about this?" you asked him and he sighed. "Because the thought of you leaving and not returning to Rohan makes my chest grow tight. I cannot stand to think about watching you ride away and never seeing you again." You laid your hand over his and smiled. "Good. I was beginning to worry my feelings were one sided." The playful tone in your voice made Eomer laugh. "Never." He lifted your hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles.

"So, will you stay? Don't take those children away from the people who have come to adore them. Don't take my heart away with you." His eyes were pleading with you. You saw a vulnerability in them that you weren't used to you. "I will stay," you whispered, your gaze never wavering from his. Eomer grinned, his eyes lighting up.

"Thank you," he said softly, standing to kiss your forehead. He gave your hand a squeeze and told you that he was going to inform the children. He left the room and you giggled to yourself. This was a turn of events you never expected, but you were glad. Who would have thought that a rescue would lead to something more?    

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