A Reluctant Night Out(Fili x reader) Modern AU

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Fili looked at his watch for the fifth time in as many minutes. "Come on, Y/N! We're gonna be late!" he called up the stairs. You did a quick look in the mirror before heading downstairs. After nearly a year of begging and pleading, you finally convinced Fili to go to a show with you. You didn't tell him which show you were going to see. Even though he agreed, the theater was not Fili's idea of a good time. He would rather stay in or go play poker with his brother and uncle.

You eyed him up and down as you neared him. He looked so handsome in his black trousers and light blue button up. His long hair was pulled up in a man bun. You kissed his cheek softly and opened the front door. "Do we really have to go? I'd really rather stay home and order take-out," Fili groaned unlocking the car. "I bought the tickets months ago, Fee! Besides, you promised," you pouted. He sighed dramatically. "Okay, okay."

Fili grumbled the whole drive to the theater. When you were finally walking up to the theater, Fili noticed the marquee. "The Lion King? REALLY?!" You bit your lip as his voice grew louder with excitement. He told you when you first started dating that The Lion King was his favorite Disney movie. Since then, you had kept an eye out for it every theater season. "You got tickets for 'The Lion King' for us?" Fili asked, not believing his own eyes. You nodded as you beamed from ear to ear. Fili cupped your cheek and kissed you deeply.

"Thank you, love," he said when he pulled away. You nodded, a bit breathless from the kiss. "Shall we?" Fili asked you, offering his arm. You made your way to your seats and waited for the curtain to rise. Fili held your hand firmly. He was trying to act mature, but his legs were bouncing up and down like a child on Christmas morning. His excitement was contagious. "Fee, you're cutting of the circulation to my hand." He let go and blushed a little. "Sorry," he whispered as the theater darkened and the curtain rose.

When the music started, you cast a sideways glance at your fiancé. His face lit up as the players moved about the stage to "The Circle of Life." He nearly jumped out of his skin when he noticed the "animals" in the aisle. You laughed softly and directed your attention back to the stage. As the show went on, you could hear Fili humming along with a lot of the songs. He was dancing in his seat during "Hakuna Matata" and trying not to sing out loud.

When the show was over, Fili pulled you close to him. "Thank you, Y/N. This was a nice surprise." You wrapped your arms around him. "So does this mean you'll come to the theater with me again?" you asked jokingly. "Reluctantly," he replied. You shared a laugh and made your way home.

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