Uneasy (Thorin Oakenshield x pregnant!reader)

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Oin stood there, horn to his ear, as he waited for your reaction. All you could do was stare at him, dumbfounded. This had to be a mistake. You couldn't be. There was no way you were. It was such a bad time for it.

"Are you certain?" you managed to squeak out. Oin nodded and gave a toothy grin. "Certain as can be, My Queen. Yer with child." You felt a wave of nausea wash over you, only this time you were fairly certain that it wasn't morning sickness. As if in a daze, you rose from your seat, thanked the old healer, and left the room.

Pregnant. You were, without a doubt, pregnant. With Thorin's baby. How on Middle Earth were you going to tell him? It wasn't that you didn't want children or that you were upset about being pregnant. You'd wanted a family far as long as you could remember. Thorin on the other hand? You weren't sure.

He had told you many times that he worried about passing his family's madness and greed down to his children. He didn't want that to be his legacy. Not to mention the fact that you only just finished rebuilding your kingdom to its former glory. What if Thorin didn't want the baby? The timing was terrible. You snorted out a laugh to yourself. "You're being ridiculous, Y/N," you thought to yourself, "Thorin loves you and he'll love this baby."

You were so busy muttering to yourself, you didn't notice the subject of your internal conversation approaching. "Y/N, Amrâlimê! I have been searching everywhere for you. Are you still feeling unwell?" You gazed into the sparkling blue eyes of your husband and nearly melted. You loved how he tried to take care of you.

"I am feeling better now," you whispered, glancing down at your boots. Thorin gently hooked your chin with his thumb and forefinger and lifted your face back up to him. "Something troubles you. What is it?" You opened your mouth to answer, but another bout of nausea hit you. You tried to force it down, thinking it was just your unease about telling him about the baby. It wasn't. You dove for the nearest empty vessel and emptied the contents of your stomach.

Thorin was by your side in an instant, holding your hair back with one hand and rubbing circles on your back with the other. When you were done, he handed you his wineskin which you took gratefully. "It appears you are not as well as you thought, my love." You chuckled weakly. "I am perfectly well...for a woman with child." You watched his face as you said the last part.

For a moment, he said nothing. His eyes were wide and his jaw was practically on the floor. "You are with child? You are certain?" You nodded. "Oin is. I just came from him." More silence. You felt tears beginning to well up in your eyes, feeling like his silence confirmed your worst fears. Then, his eyes crinkled at the corners and his lips spread in a bright smile.

"That is wonderful, Amrâlimê!" he cried before pulling you to him. "You're not upset?" He pulled back. "Upset? Why in Mahal's name would I be upset?" You rested your hands on his shoulders. "We have only just rebuilt Erebor. Your kingdom is newly formed again." Thorin smiled again. "And we shall continue to rule our kingdom as we raise our child. Our child that I will love and cherish as I do its mother."

You really were crying now and Thorin reached over and wiped a tear from your cheek. "Thank you, Thorin." He leaned in for a kiss but you turned your head. His brows furrowed in confusion and you flushed. "I did just throw up," you responded with a laugh. Thorin rolled his eyes, but kissed your forehead. "As you wish, my love. Now, shall we inform the others?" You grinned and nodded. Thorin took your hand and lead you toward the council room.    

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