Agony (Thorin x reader x Fili)

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(a/n: Based on an AU imagine on Tumblr. Imagine Thorin and Fili singing "Agony" from Into the Woods.)

You were having a bad day. One of the absolute worse days you've had in a while. You trudged up to your little apartment and realized that you lost your keys. "You've got to be kidding me," you groaned. You walked to the apartment across the hall. You had given your neighbors a spare key for when you were out of town. You knocked on the door and it opened a second later to reveal Thorin. He took in your appearance. "Y/N. everything alright?" You couldn't speak. The day's events came crashing down on you and you began crying.

Thorin pulled you inside and over to the couch. "Hey, Y/N. Whoa," Thorin's nephew Fili saw you and his eyes went wide. You didn't normally lose your cool. "I'm sorry. I've just had a horrible day. I lost my job, I got dumped and my best friend is moving away. To top it all off, I lost the key to my apartment. I guess it fell off my key ring. All in all, it's been total agony."

Fili and Thorin exchanged a look. After several years of being neighbors, they knew how to cheer you up. Chocolate and movies, an occasional (f/s) game, and pasta nights worked most of the time. However, they knew one way that would always cheer you up and make you laugh. Hearing a song from one of your favorite musicals. Fili turned off the television and began playing the song on his phone. Your immediately perked up.

Thorin: Did I abuse her or show her disdain

Why does she run from me?

If I should lose her how shall I regain

The heart she has won from me?

Agony! Beyond power of speech

For the one thing you want, is the only thing out of your reach!

Fili: High in her tower she sits by the hour

Maintaining her hair

Blithe and becoming and frequently humming

A light-hearted air: ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah

Agony! Far more painful than yours

When you know she would go with you

If there only were doors!

You had stopped crying and were beginning to smile at this point.

Both: Agony! Oh the torture they teach!

Fili: What's as intriguing

Thorin: Or half so fatiguing

Both: As what's out of reach

Both men were dancing around the apartment, throwing themselves against furniture. You were giggling at their antics.

Thorin: Am I not sensitive, clever

Well-mannered, considerate

Passionate, charming

As kind as I'm handsome

And heir to a throne?

Fili: You are everything maidens could wish for!

Thorin: Then why no?

Fili: Do I know?

Thorin: The girl must be mad!

Fili: You know nothing of madness!

Till you're climbing her hair and you see her up there as you're nearing

All the while hearing her:


 Both: Agony! Misery! Woe!

Though it's different for each!

Thorin: Always ten steps behind!

Fili: Always ten feet below!

Both: And she's just out of reach!

Agony that can cut like a knife!

You must have her to...wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife!

You were now laughing uncontrollably at the sight of the two. They always put their all into the song every time. It didn't matter if they were just singing along with it while cooking. They watched you laughing as grins spread across their faces. When you finally calmed down, Thorin and Fili collapsed onto the couch next to you. "Thanks guys," you said, still beaming from ear to ear. From the door way you heard the voice of Thorin's other nephew Kili. "I can't believe I'm part of this family."

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