Meant For Someone Else (Dwalin x reader)

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(Accidental Text AU)

You stared at your phone in disbelief. It was obvious that the text Dwalin had sent was not meant for you to see. But you couldn't stop staring. After all, it was your name clearly typed there. And Dwalin hadn't even seemed to notice because you didn't get another text from him telling you that it was for someone else. So, you just sat there, staring at the text in front of you instead of focusing on your work.

Meanwhile, Dwalin was across town, waiting for your best friend Bilbo to answer his text. He was trying to figure out the best way to ask you out on a date. He'd been in love with you for so long and, after a very stern lecture from Thorin and Balin, he decided that he needed to tell you how he felt. The problem was that he had no idea how to do it. Every time he tried, he'd trip over his tongue. That left him to ask the one person who knew you better than anyone else.

But Bilbo had yet to answer. It wasn't like him. Bilbo was one to answer texts right away so he wouldn't forget they were there and so he wouldn't seem rude. Dwalin was in a tizzy because he needed Bilbo to respond. Dwalin wanted to ask you out before he lost his nerve. Yet, as the time passed, Dwalin found himself getting more and more irritated that Bilbo hadn't answered. Being the man he was, Dwalin didn't bother to check his phone to see if the message had actually sent. Instead, he decided to pay Bilbo a visit himself.

Finding Bilbo was easy enough. He was talking to Bofur as the two grabbed dinner in the deli near work. "Baggins." Bilbo jumped at the sound of someone calling his name. "Oh, hello, Dwalin. How are you?" Dwalin arched a brow. "Be a lot better if ya had answered my text." Bilbo's face morphed into an expression of pure confusion. "Text? I never received a text from you, Dwalin." Dwalin fished his phone out of his pocket and opened his texts. He was about to show Bilbo that he had definitely sent a text when he froze. It wasn't Bilbo's name next to the message. It was yours.

Dwalin let out a curse. Bilbo gently took Dwalin's phone so he wouldn't crush it on accident...again. He read the message and his eyes widened. "Um, Dwalin...Y/N read it." After letting out another curse, Dwalin took his phone back. You hadn't answered, but Dwalin wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. He rubbed his beard, trying to decide what to do. Bilbo cleared his throat.

"You know, Y/N has a favorite little cafe. Goes to it every day after work. Maybe that would be the best place to talk about this." Dwalin looked at Bilbo for a moment before nodding and leaving the deli. "Are ta gonna tell him that you're supposed ta be meetin' Y/N at that cafe?" Bilbo gave Bofur a sly smile. "No. Let the two of them work this out. It's a shame seeing them pining after each other and doing nothing about it." Bofur chuckled. "So I guess that means ya won't be tellin' him that Y/N has been textin' ya all day? Since Dwalin's text came through?" Another shake of Bilbo's head had Bofur in stitches.

Dwalin knew exactly which cafe Bilbo was talking about. He had seen the two of you there before. He raced as quickly as he could, hoping to get there before you left. You were still sitting at a table when Dwalin arrived. You were looking down at your phone in confusion. After taking a deep breath, Dwalin entered the cafe and approached your table.

You didn't look up so Dwalin cleared his throat. Finally, you let your gaze rise from your phone. "D-Dwalin!" you cried softly in surprise. You looked back down at your phone and then up again. "I wasn't expecting you." Dwalin almost laughed at your attempt to sound nonchalant. "I know ya read it, Y/N." Your tongue darted out to lick your lips. "Y-Yeah. I did. Did you mean it? Do you want to go out with me?"

"I do. I just...look, I'm not good with this kinda thing, Y/N. I like ya. A lot. Probably a lot more than I have right ta. But I couldn't just as ya ta go on a date with me." You cocked your head to the side. "Why not?" Dwalin scoffed and gestured to himself. "Look at me. 'M not exactly a spring chicken, Y/N. I don't have all the lassies linin' up now, do I? I didn't think ya'd go if I just asked ya. I had ta make it special."

You gestured for him to sit before you replied to his speech. "First off, I most certainly won't go out with you if keep getting down on yourself like that. You are a very strong, handsome, capable man and I'm willing to bet that dozens of women and men would love to be in my shoes right now. Second, you don't have to make yourself uncomfortable to get my attention. I like you too, Dwalin. I've been waiting for you to ask me out for a while. I would have done it myself, but I know it's a matter of pride for you. I wouldn't take that away."

Dwalin couldn't respond for a few moments. How had this happened? How had things gone so wrong, just to turn around and go so right? He was snapped out of his thoughts when you reached over and laid your hand on his. He looked at you as you gave him a soft and encouraging smile. "Ya mean that?" You nodded. Dwalin turned his hand over so it was clasping yours. "I'd like ta take ya on a date, Y/N. And I promise, I'll make it special without changin' who I am." You beamed at him. "That's what I like to hear. I have to go now, but let me know when. You have my number after all." Dwalin let out a chuckle as you got up and left the cafe.    

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