Unique (Dwalin x reader)

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Dwalin couldn't remember the last time he was this nervous. He had everything planned out, but he just knew something would go wrong. After all, your relationship was quite unique. You were unique and where a normal proposal would be fine for most people, it wouldn't do for you. No, Dwalin was determined to make his proposal as unique as you were.

But Dwalin had come up with what he thought was a great idea. You loved animals of all kinds. You were always rescuing hurt and malnourished animals. Cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, cows, even pigs. You name it. So what better place to propose than at an animal sanctuary? An animal sanctuary that, thanks to his share of the treasure in Erebor, Dwalin now owned. He only hoped you would agree to share it with him.

"Dwalin, where are we going?" He smiled at you. "Just a little further, Ghivashel." You grinned at him, knowing you were going to love wherever it was he was taking you. Dwalin stopped at the edge of the property that was now his. Yes, he was slightly further from Erebor than he originally intended, but he would do anything to make you smile.

You glanced at the small little cottage first and smiled. Then you looked around at all the animals meandering around the land. "Oh Dwalin, it's beautiful. But why are we here?" Dwalin dismounted his pony and prompted you to do the same. He lead you further onto the grounds. "It's a sanctuary of sorts. Fer injured animals." The smile that lit up your face was so stunning that Dwalin nearly forgot how to speak. He loved that smile and he loved it even more when he was the source of it.

"Oh Dwalin, thank you. You know I adore places like this." He nodded and suddenly he was nervous again. You noticed right away. "Dwalin? What is the matter?" He swallowed thickly. "I confess I brought ya out here fer a reason." You cocked your head to the side. "I wanted ta ask-that is, I need ta know..." Dwalin let out a few Khuzdul curses under his breath. Why couldn't he just say it?!

You brought Dwalin out of his thoughts when you took his hand in yours. "Dwalin, whatever it is, I will support you or help in any way I can. I love you." Dwalin licked his lips. That was all he needed to hear. "I love ya, too." He took a step away from you in order to get down on one knee, but instead, he slipped in the mud, bringing you down with him.

Oh Mahal! Dwalin just knew that you'd never say yes now. Not while you were both covered in mud. He'd messed up. Angry at himself, Dwalin got you both out of the mud and started stomping back to the pony. "Dwalin! Dwalin, wait!" He heard your footsteps coming up behind him. "Dwalin, what is it?! Please talk to me." Dwalin stopped and balled his fists. "I-I was trying ta propose ta ya! But I can't even do that right."

For a moment, you said nothing. Then, Dwalin heard you sniffle. He turned to see you looking at him with tears in your eyes and a smile on your lips. "You were proposing?" Dwalin shrugged a bit. "Trying ta." You instantly wrapped your arms around the bear of dwarf. "Dwalin, of course I will marry you." Dwalin pulled back a little to look at you. "Ya will?!" You beamed at him and nodded. "Of course, silly dwarf. How could I possibly say no? I love you, you treat me like a queen, and you brought me to this beautiful place to propose."

Dwalin laughed a little sheepishly. "About that. I didn't just bring ya here ta propose. I, well we, sort of own it now." Your eyes widened. "We do?" He nodded again. "Yeah. I wanted ta gift it ta ya as a betrothal present before I put my bead in yer hair. We could live here if ya want, or stay in Erebor and work the grounds here. The choice is yours."

Tears were flowing freely down your cheeks now. "Dwalin, this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. You, my love, are the sweetest, most caring, bravest person I have ever met and I will the luckiest person in Middle Earth to marry you." Dwalin grabbed you and smashed your lips together. His beard tickled a little, but you didn't seem to mind as you kissed him back with equal fervor.

Dwalin wasn't the most intelligent dwarf. Nor the kindest. But he had something no other dwarf got to have. He got to have you. He would get to wake up to your face every morning and fall sleep next to you every night. He would get to enjoy your uniqueness every single day for the rest of your lives. Dwalin was the luckiest dwarf alive. All because he had you. 

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