Abomination (Kili x reader)

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(a/n: read the first comment, please.)

"You'll never belong." The words echoed in your mind as you traveled through Middle Earth with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. It didn't matter how strong you were, how beautiful you were or how quick your mind was. As a half dwarf and half elf, you truly didn't belong anywhere. Thorin's harsh words only strengthened your belief in that. Shortly after joining the Company, you'd started falling for Thorin's youngest nephew. Back then, they believed you were of the race of Man and not what you truly were. Now they knew, thanks to Gandalf's little slip-up and Thorin was angry to say the least.

You were hiding behind a tree as Thorin yelled at Kili. He'd just stumbled upon the two of you in passionate embrace and he was furious. He immediately dragged Kili away by the fur on his cloak. You followed behind to listen. "Kili, you will not, you cannot possibly believe I would condone this?! I will not have you throwing your life and title away for some abomination!" You put your hand to your mouth to stifle the choked sob that threatened to escape. An abomination?

You pushed yourself off the tree and ran off, clutching your dagger to your side in case you were attacked. When you felt you were truly alone, you sank to the ground and proceeded to cry until you were hoarse. You'd been called many things over the years, but an abomination was never one of them, especially not by someone you thought you'd grown close to. You perked up when you hear the crunch of leaves behind you. You quickly whipped out your dagger and threw it.

"Whoa!" Kili cried and his eyes grew wide when the knife hit the tree right next to his head and stuck there. "Sorry," you mumbled as Kili pulled your knife from the tree and walked it over to you. You took it with a sad smile. "Why are you out here all by yourself, Amrâlimê? Have you been crying?" he asked upon seeing your red rimmed eyes. You nodded, resting your chin on your knees. Kili put his arm around you and kissed your temple. "Why?"

You didn't answer for a minute, but then asked quietly, "Do believe him?" Kili just looked at you, an adorable expression on confusion on his face. "Do you believe Thorin? Do you think I am an abomination also?" Kili's expression morphed into one of shock. "Of course not, Y/N! I do not care that you are half elf! It makes no difference to me. Perhaps I am being reckless and stupid when I say this, but I love you. I would give anything to see you happy, including giving up this quest to see you happy. You are no abomination."

You smiled at him through your tears and threw your arms around him in a hug. "Thank you, my love." He let you go and offered his hands. "Shall we return to the Company then?" You nodded and took his hand. The two of you walked back to the Company that way, earning a smile from everyone except Thorin. He glared at the two of you as he approached. He looked to his nephew first. "So this is your decision?" Kili gripped your hand tighter, looked his uncle in the eye and nodded. "I love Y/N." Thorin sighed and answered, "If this truly makes you happy, then you have my blessing."

Without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving you and Kili stunned. You looked down at the dwarf and smiled. "See? Not an abomination at all," Kili said with a smile that matched yours. "Come, let's get by the fire and get warm." Kili sat on a log and you sat on the ground in front of him in between his knees. You soon felt his fingers working their way through your (h/c) hair as he pulled a portion of it up into a courting braid.


(a/n: Thank you all for over 3000 reads!!)

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