Elfling (Thranduil x fem!elfling reader x Legolas)

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Legolas heard an unusual sound in the forest of Mirkwood and his brows furrowed in confusion. He heard someone crying. Following his keen sense of hearing, Legolas searched the forest until he stumbled upon the source of the cries. There you were, knees brought up to your chest, sobbing loudly. He took in your trembling form, your sun-kissed skin covered in goose bumps and your eyes filled with tears.

In Elvish, Legolas asked, "Little one, what troubles you?" You jerked your head up and tried to scurry away from the older elf. He tried again in the common tongue and you sniffled. "My Ada and Nana...the spiders," you replied before completely dissolving into tears again. Legolas crouched down next to you and attempted to console you. In some ways, he understood. After all, he had lost his mother. After a few moments, your tears had subsided and Legolas scooped you up in his arms, telling you he was taking you to see his father.

Thranduil was sitting on his throne as he waited for Legolas to return with his report. He never expected his son to come barging into the room carrying an elfling. Thranduil's icy blue eyes widened for a brief moment before his expression returned to neutral. "What, pray tell, is that, Ionneg?" Legolas gave his father a look, but replied, "A lost elfling I found in the forest, Ada." Legolas set you down on the ground and you gazed up at the Elvenking with wide eyes full of innocence.

Thranduil could only stare for a moment. It had been so long since there was an elfling in Mirkwood and here you were, so sweet and vulnerable. Thranduil instantly felt protective over you. He got up and slowly descended from his throne. Your curious eyes never left his form as he came and stood in front of you. "King Thranduil," you squeaked out, trying your best to curtsy in respect. You nearly toppled over and Thranduil chuckled softly. You were endearing.

"Where is your family, little one?" Thranduil immediately regretted asking when your bottom lip began to tremble and the tears formed in your eyes once again. He glanced up at Legolas who mouthed, "The spiders." Thranduil felt his temper rising and desperately wanted to yell, but he knew it would only upset you more. Thranduil stood up to his full height and said, "Have the guard do a full sweep of the forest and clear out the spiders." Legolas nodded and left the room.

Thranduil reached down, offering you his hand. "Come, little one. We shall have a maid ready a room for you." You cocked your head to the side in confusion. "You shall stay here, little one. You will never want for anything. I cannot leave you to the mercy of the forest." You smiled through your tears. Of all the stories you'd heard about King Thranduil, he had never been described as kind. Yet, here he was, offering you a place to stay and to raise you. "Thank you, my king." He smiled at you. "What is your name, dear one?" You looked down at the floor as you answered him. "Y/N."

*time skip*

"Legolas! Come play with me!" you cried, running up to the elf you now saw as a big brother. Legolas smiled at you and shook his head. "I cannot right now, but perhaps a little later." You pouted playfully but nodded and turned to run back inside. Unfortunately for you, you ran right into Thranduil. "Oh, my king!" you cried as you nearly fell over. Thranduil chuckled.

"Just the elfling I was looking for. Come with me," he said, offering his hand to you again. You took it without hesitation and let him lead you away from where Legolas was training. "Do you like it here, Y/N?" You nodded happily as Thranduil took in your appearance. He couldn't help but see you as his daughter, no matter how different you looked from him. He loved you as his own child. "Good. There is something I want to show you."

Thranduil lead you to the stables where, in the stall between his elks and Legolas' horse, stood a new pony, just your size. Your eyes widened at the sight of the small horse. "Oh!" you gasped out, carefully approaching the animal. Thranduil smiled at your reaction. "She is yours. You begin your riding lessons tomorrow." You turned to face him and beamed. "Thank you, Ada!" you cried running over to him and hugging his legs.

Thranduil was fighting back tears. In the year you'd been with him, you'd never called him father until that moment. He couldn't help but be overcome with emotion. He sank to his knees and wrapped his arms around you. "You are most welcome, Iellig," he told you, hugging you close. It was true. You were is daughter in nearly every sense of the word. Footsteps caused Thranduil and you to look up.

"Legolas! Look at what Ada gave me!" you cried, grabbing his hand and pulling him over. "Ada?" You nodded happily and continued to pull him to the pony's stall. Legolas had to smile seeing the happiness on yours and his father's faces. He'd always wanted a little sister and now he had one. Even as an elfling, you'd captured the hearts of the king and prince and they became your family. You grew up under their love and protection. You were a princess and a fighter for your people. You grew into an elf that a king and a father could be proud of.


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