I Do, Don't I? (Dwalin x fem!reader) Modern AU

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You bit back your tears when Dwalin told you. You'd been in love with him for years, but he loved another. A mutual friend had captured the heart of the man you loved and while you wanted to be happy for them, you felt your heart crack when they got together. And just now, when Dwalin had shared the news of their engagement, you felt it shatter.

"That's wonderful, Dwalin. Congratulations," you said with a forced smile, thanking God that your voice didn't crack. You could have sworn you saw Dwalin's smile falter a bit, but then he laughed, stating he expected you to be in the front row. "O-of course!" He pulled you to his large body for a bone crushing hug before running off to join his bride-to-be.

*some months later*

You'd been there for Dwalin every step of the way during the planning of the wedding. After all, what were friends for? Dwalin, however, couldn't help but notice that you weren't exactly happy, although he didn't say anything. He was far too busy with his own thoughts. He was getting cold feet. Sure, he loved his fiancé, but there was someone else as well. You.

Until you began helping to plan his wedding, Dwalin hadn't realized just how much you'd meant to him. And now, as the big day approached, Dwalin couldn't help but feel apprehensive. He told himself that it was just pre-wedding jitters and to snap out of it. "Dwalin? Are you listening to me?" Dwalin shook away the thoughts and looked at his fiancé. "Aye, I'm listening." His beloved giggled before kissing his cheek and leaving his apartment until they were married the next afternoon. Dwalin was left alone with his thoughts.

Dwalin hardly slept at all and you could tell when you saw him the next afternoon, just before the wedding. "You look terrible," you quipped with a smile. "Thanks, lass. What are ya doing back here? Shouldn't ya be helping my fiancé get ready?" Dwalin watched as you tried to fight off a grimace. That wasn't really your thing. Dwalin chuckled at you. "Never mind. Ya might just wanna take yer seat." You laughed and reached up to straighten his tie. "Never thought I'd see you in a tie." You looked up into his dark eyes. You pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek and left the room.

Dwalin took a deep breath before heading toward the alter. You gave him a bright, albeit somewhat sad smile as he passed you. Thorin was already waiting to give him a little pep talk before going to take his place with the maid of honor. Dwalin closed his eyes and sighed. When he opened them, he met your (e/c) ones and time seemed to stop for a moment.

Sooner than Dwalin expected, the wedding started. Dwalin stood stiffly as the bridesmaids and groomsmen came down the aisle. He held his breath as his future bride stood in the doorway looking forward at him. She was beautiful, there was no denying it, but there was one problem. She wasn't you. Dwalin exchanged a glance with Thorin, who gave him a knowing smile. Thorin knew that, while Dwalin did love his fiancé, he loved you far more and had for years. He also knew that Dwalin had to come to that conclusion by himself, although he was hoping it would have been long before this.

Dwalin's future wife was now standing next to him and the minister was talking. He spoke about honor and love and the longer he spoke, the louder the nagging voice in the back of Dwalin's head became. "Dwalin," his fiancé whispered, bringing him out of his thoughts. "I'm sorry. I cannot," he whispered to her before turning and leaving from the side door. Your friend's mouth dropped open as the guests began murmuring among themselves.

You stood up and placed a hand on the bride's shoulder. "I'll go after him. See what the problem is," you told her quietly. She shook her head sadly and replied, "I know what the problem is. Dwalin is in love with you. He always has been, but I thought he loved me too." Your grip on her shoulder tightened and you assured her that Dwalin did love her as well. She laughed bitterly. "Not enough. Just go, Y/N. I can't talk to you right now." You nodded and went after the runaway groom.

"Dwalin Fundinson!" you yelled the moment you saw him leaning up against his car. "How could you do that to her?!" You weren't really angry, but you certainly were disappointed. It wasn't like Dwalin to do something so dishonorable. "I couldn't do it, Y/N. I couldn't marry 'er." You crossed your arms over your chest and sighed heavily. "Don't you think you could have told her that long before NOW?! You can't just leave a girl at the altar like that, Dwalin!"

The older man at least had to decency to look ashamed of his actions. "I know! It's yer fault ya know!" You quirked a brow at him in question. "If ya hadn't made me realize that I'm in love with ya, I wouldn't have run out!" It only took Dwalin a second to realize how ridiculous that sounded. "Sorry, lass. Yer right. I am a terrible person." You sighed and said, "No, you aren't. You just have really terrible timing. Now, you get your butt in there and fix this somehow! Then, tonight, you are going to grab a pizza and come to my place and we can talk about what happened." Dwalin nodded and slowly made his way back inside. You shook your head, wondering what in the world you were going to do with him.


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