Dragonsickness (Thorin x reader)

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You and Thorin had known each other a long time, longer than either of you cared to admit. You had been best friends with his sister Dis growing up so you and he saw quite a bit of each other. As you grew, something sparked between you and Thorin. You had come to see one another as more than his sister's best friend. You grew to love one another. However, because you didn't want to upset Dis and the fact that Thorin was heir to a throne, neither of you ever said anything to the other about your feelings.

That didn't mean no one knew. EVERYONE knew! It only took one look at the two of you in the same room to see it. The way you looked at each other. The way Thorin always had a smile for you even when he didn't for others. The way you would speak softly to him when you thought no one was looking. The way Thorin's face would turn red and you would bite your lip whenever your hands "accidentally" brushed. It was painfully obvious. Still, it wasn't until Thorin's small company, including yourself, got to the mountain that your feelings were said.

You were furious. Probably more furious than the rest of the Company combined. You simply couldn't believe Thorin would take things so far. From the moment he entered the mountain, Thorin had begun changing. There was something dark seeping into his bones. Into his very mind. He did terrible things, such as trying to push Bilbo from the ramparts, and said worse ones, leaving you fighting back tears as your hand pulled back and slapped him before you ran off.

Now you were pacing with the others, trying to determine if disobeying your king would be wise. You knew Dain, the elves, and the people of Lake Town needed help in fighting, but Thorin had ordered you all to stay in the mountain. You hated this place. You hated what it turned Thorin into. You just wanted him back.

You were jerked from your thoughts by Kili's yelling, "I'll not sit by while others fight our battles for us!" You glanced over to see him practically in Thorin's face. Your brows furrowed as you took in Thorin's form. He looked worn, but had a soft smile on his face. He whispered something to Kili before speaking up, asking if the rest of you would follow him one last time.

The others rallied with a battle cry while you stood staring at him. His blue eyes met your (e/c) ones. No longer did they look haunted by the madness that had come over him the last days. Now he looked more like himself. He approached you with a serious expression on his face.

"Y/N...I do not deserve your forgiveness, so I will not ask it yet. You deserve so much more than I have treated you these past days. I have wronged you. Treated you appallingly and said horrible things to you that I did not mean. I shall not make excuses, but ask that for now, you set your anger aside. Yell at me all you wish when I return. Hit me if you must." You smiled a little at that, making Thorin's face light up a bit.

"I suppose I should not even bother asking you to remain here?" You arched a brow. "Not a chance. If you are fighting, so am I. Someone has to look after you," you sassed with a wink as you picked up your weapon. You moved to walk passed him, but a hand on your arm stopped you.

Thorin pulled you closer to him until you were almost pressed against him, making you drop your weapon so you wouldn't hurt him. "Please-Please be careful, Y/N. I cannot lose you. You mean far too much to me." You cocked your head to the side, but didn't say anything. You wanted to see where this was going.

"We have danced around this for too long," he continued, "But I cannot stay silent any longer. I love you. I have loved you for a hundred years, perhaps longer, and when this is over, if you will have me, I wish to be yours for the rest of our lives." You felt your heart leap to your throat. You couldn't believe Thorin was the first to actually say something.

"You know me. Pretty words aren't my strong suite, but I do love you. As angry as you make me and as rotten a time as you chose to tell me this, I love you too." Thorin pulled you a little closer, his eyes darting to your lips in a silent question. At your nod, Thorin wasted no time in capturing your lips in a kiss so intense, you swore your brain stopped functioning for a moment. Years and years of unspoken feelings came rushing between you in that one kiss. You could hardly breathe, but you couldn't find it in you to even care. 

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