Saving Thorin (Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader)

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(WARNINGS: Durins live AU, angst, violence, injury, death. Surprise ending.)

You didn't know how you ended up in Middle Earth, but you were glad. You had grown up dreaming of living in a world like it. Well, mostly like it. You could have done without the goblins, spiders, trolls, and orcs. Still, you were on the adventure of a lifetime and you wouldn't change it for anything, especially the company.

When you first met Thorin Oakenshield and Company, you were very quiet. Not that it was any different than your normal life. You'd always been shy and reserved. As you grew to know them, however, you opened up a bit more. You opened your heart as well. Unfortunately, that would be your downfall.

Your eyes widened when you saw where Thorin was headed with his nephews and Dwalin. Surely he wouldn't be stupid enough to take on Azog alone, would he? You glanced up at Gandalf. "You should find somewhere safe, Y/N." You shook your head. "What about Thorin? I can't just leave him!" Gandalf smiled at you. "Your time here has changed you, Y/F/N. You are no longer the quiet little mouse we came upon all those months ago."

"Yes I am, Gandalf, but I am also a woman in love. If I can help him, save him, don't I owe it to him to try? Don't I owe it to his people?" The soft smile never left Gandalf's face. "Even in the face of danger, you put others before yourself, but I'm afraid this is one time where you may not be able to help." Stubbornly, you put your hands on your hips. "I don't care. I have to try." Without waiting for a reply, you took off after Thorin. You didn't know what you could do, but you were determined to save him. No matter the cost.

You could almost feel Thorin's rage as you approached him. Azog had fallen, but something didn't sit right with you. After everything you all had been through and the near deaths of Fili and Kili, surely this wasn't that easy. No sooner did you have the thought, did Thorin cry out in pain.

"Thorin!" you yelled, running as best as you could on the ice. You were only a few feet away when Azog burst up through the ice. It was almost in slow motion, the way the pale orc's weapon came down. You rushed forward with all your strength and pushed Thorin out of the way. Breathing a sigh of relief, you didn't take into account that Azog's weapon was still in motion. You didn't even feel it when it came down, cutting through your flesh. Thorin's cried of your name were the last thing you heard before the world went black.

Thorin's POV

Thorin watched your body crumple to the ground and it was as if there was a fire ignited in him. The love of his life was now dead thanks to the vile creature in front of him. With an almost inhuman cry, Thorin grabbed up his sword and ran Azog through. The orc let out a shriek of agony before falling from the cliff to his death. It nearly killed Thorin to limp over to you, but he had to. He had to see you. He needed to see if you were alright.

Thorin sank down to his knees as he gently turned you over. "Thorin," you greeted weakly, with a soft smile. "Y/N, why? Why would you do that?" You gave a breathy laugh. "Your people need you, Thorin. Promise me that you will be the best king you can possibly be. Take care of them, lo-love them."

"I can't do that if you are not here with me, Y/N." Another soft sound came from you. "Non...nonsense. You are strong and stubborn. You will be fine without me. You will rule for ages and your children will rule after you." Thorin shook his head as he fought back tears. He couldn't imagine it. Not now. "The only children I have will be our children, Y/N. I cannot begin to think of life without you."

"Then I am afraid the line of Durin will end with Kili's children. I don't think I can survive this." Thorin gripped your hand in his. "Don't speak like that, Amrâlimê. You will live. You will live and we will be married and have or adopt as many children as we could possibly want. Or dogs. Or cats. Whatever you want, Y/N." You sighed through your nose. "It's a lovely thought, but you're wrong, Thorin. I-I love you." Thorin gripped your hand tighter. "I love you, too," he whispered as the life faded from your eyes.





The first thing you noticed was the sound of your friends' voices. Then you heard the tell-tale beeping of a machine. Before you were even able to open your eyes, you knew you were in a hospital. "Guys, I think she's waking up," one of your friends said. With a groan, you forced your eyes to open.

"What happened?" you croaked out. One of your friends got you a cup of water while another looked so broken, you thought he would cry. "I am so sorry, Y/N! I really am! I swear I didn't see that car." Your head began to ache as everything came rushing back to you. The party, the car accident. Nothing with Thorin had really happened. It had all been a weird dream.

Before you could reply, the door of the room opened. For a moment, you didn't take your eyes off your friend. You were going to tell him that you forgave him when a deep voice nearly made you fall out of bed. "Miss Y/L/N, I'm glad to see you're finally awake." You turned your head to find a very familiar pair of blue eyes staring back at you. The man gave you a smile as he pulled a pen out of the pocket of his doctor's coat. "I'm Dr. Durin."

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