Different From Other Elves (Thorin Oakenshield x fem!elf reader)

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(Everybody lives AU!)

How had it come to this? Sneaking down to the dungeons to peer at your uncle's prisoners? You had heard of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, but you'd never thought you'd be so lucky as to meet them in person. And for someone, anyone, to put your uncle in his place the way Thorin had, well, it was a sight to behold. It intrigued you about the gruff dwarf king. That was how you found yourself creeping down to the dungeons in hopes of catching snippets of the dwarves' conversations.

Thorin rarely spoke, but when he did, you could hear the pride he held for his people and the hope he tried to administer to them. It was touching. Even in a situation as bleak as this one, he did his best to lead his kin. In the time the Company was locked in your uncle's dungeon in Mirkwood, you learned a lot about the king simply based on how he spoke to those around him. After a while, you couldn't help but love him. It was a love you would carry secretly in your heart until the day you died. Or perhaps not.

Upon listening to one conversation, you learned that Thorin and his people needed to reach the Lonely Mountain by a certain time and that time was approaching quickly. You knew you had to do something, so you decided to break them out and help them escape Mirkwood. Stealthily, you made your way down toward the wine cellar, where you knew the guard with the keys would be drinking. You didn't make it far before you ran into someone though.

"Oof," came a soft exclamation. You looked down to see a small person, a hobbit upon closer inspection, staring up at you guiltily. He was dangling the keys to the cells. He'd obviously had the same idea as you. You grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to a dark space. "Who are you? How did you get in here?" He looked at you with fear in his eyes. "Please. I only want to help," he squeaked out. For a moment, you just looked down at him with a stern expression. But it didn't last long as a smile spread across your lips. "So do I. I can help get you past the guards. But we must hurry while the others are celebrating. Come along."

The hobbit did as you commanded, following you through the winding corridors and back toward the cells. You stopped at Thorin's cell first. "What do you want, elf?" You almost flinched at his tone. You didn't blame him for being angry with your kind. After all, it was your kind that had refused to help when the dragon attacked and it was your kind that was keeping him from returning to the Mountain now.

"I only wish to help." It was clear to you that none of them had seen the hobbit hiding behind your legs yet. "We're never going to reach the mountain, are we?" a voice you'd learned was Ori's asked. Before you could respond, Bilbo peeked out from behind you. "Not stuck in here you're not," he whispered. Thorin's face lit up when he saw the keys in Bilbo's hands. Then, he looked up at you in surprise.

"You truly are helping us? Why?" You smiled softly. "Because it is cruel to take your home away from you a second time, Master Oakenshield. Now, please, we must hurry. It won't take long for the guards to realize you've escaped." Bilbo quickly unlocked all the cells and you ushered the dwarves back down to the wine cellar.

Once there, the dwarves all looked to Bilbo, who told them to climb into the empty barrels. After a moment, the dwarves scurried to do what they were told, but an older dwarf, Balin stayed behind a moment. He looked to Thorin who nodded somewhat reluctantly. "Come with us, lass." You glanced down at him in surprise. "What?" He gave you a kind smile. "They will hurt you when they've discovered you've aided our escape. It is wiser to leave now." You chuckled lightly. He was right. "Alright. I will join you. But you must leave now. I will catch up." Balin, Thorin and Bilbo climbed into the barrels. Bilbo had to share with Bofur, but it wasn't the time to care. You pulled the lever and sent the company down into the river, where they would float toward Lake Town. You ran after them as soon as you could.

*time skip*

Months. That's how long it had been since Thorin realized that he loved you. You were different from the other elves he'd met. You were just as fast and strong, but you never looked down on his people simply because they were dwarves. You were always willing to lend a helping hand, even with dwarven children who could be more than a handful. Always willing to fight for good cause was yet another reason Thorin loved you.

When Thorin had run out of Erebor to meet Azog on the battlefield, he was certain he would never return. He knew he was destined to die and yet, here he was now. Alive and well and king of his people. And he knew that it was at least partially due to you. You had joined him in the battle, your cries mixing with those of his kin. You had even distracted Azog long enough for Thorin to deal the final blow. You had helped to save them all. Now if only Thorin could manage to pluck up the courage to tell you how he felt about you.

"You seem distracted, Brother," Dis commented, followed her brother's gaze with her own. Her eyes landed on you and she smiled softly. "You're in love," she stated. Thorin felt his skin heat up. She's said it so matter-of-factly and easily. It was one thing to think it to himself, but an entirely different thing for his sister to comment on it. "It seems my sister should mind her own business," he muttered and Dis laughed. "Your happiness is my business, Thorin. You should talk to her." Thorin grumbled something, making Dis roll her eyes. Without a word, she moved behind Thorin and began to literally push him toward you.

Thorin immediately began to protest, but Dis ignored him. She nudged him until he ran right into your back. You glanced back and smiled. You ended your conversation with Dwalin before turning to face Thorin and his sister. "Your Majesty. Princess. How may I help you?" Dis rolled her eyes again. "You can talk to this pig-headed king for me about how much he loves you." She turned on her heel, leaving you and Thorin gaping after her.

It was you who found your voice first. "Is it true?" you asked with your voice barely above a whisper. Thorin let his gaze wander up to meet yours. (E/C) eyes stared back at him in question and he could have sworn he saw a glimmer of hope. "I-It is," he finally managed to mutter back. You let your tongue dart out to lick your suddenly dry lips and it gave Thorin the ounce of courage he needed.

He reached out and gently grabbed your hand in his, trying to ignore the spark he felt in doing so. "If you do not feel the same way, please tell me. If only to prevent me making a fool of myself. But if your feelings mirror mine, I wish to make it clear that I have every intention of making you my queen...when you are ready." You opened your mouth, but no words came out at first.

You'd never heard Thorin speak with such raw passion in his voice before. Taking a deep breath, you tried again. "I do feel the same, Thorin." The grin that broke out on Thorin's face was nothing short of stunning. Throwing away his usual decorum, he pulled on your hand so you were forced to lean down. As soon as you were low enough, Thorin eagerly pressed his lips to yours, surprising you. The room around you burst into cheers, but you were too busy being lost in Thorin's kiss.    

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