A Choice (Smaug x fem!reader x Thorin) Mob AU

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(This is Part 3 of "A Job" and "A Gala"! Read those first to understand what's going on!)

Taking a deep breath, you dialed the number elegantly scrolled on the back of the business card. Thorin watched with bated breath. It had been nearly a week since the gala where you began your seduction of one Samuel Maug, or Smaug as others referred to him. Now it was time to call him and get yourself into a position to properly spy.

"Mr. Mau-I mean, Samuel? It's Y/F/N, from the gala...Yes that's right. Oakenshield's treasure...I-I wanted to see you. I realized that you're right....Thorin doesn't appreciate me. At all." You met Thorin's gaze and he glared at you. You fought to keep the smile off your face. This was what every employee dreamed about. Being able to insult their not-always-so-nice employer and get away with it.

"I can meet you...Oh, really? I'd like that very much...I don't think Erebor Manor is a good place for you to pick me up. How about Bag End?...Yes, Mr. Baggins is a dear friend. He won't breathe a word to Thorin...Thank you, Samuel. Until then." You hung up the phone and let out a sigh. Your knees were practically knocking together and you felt horrible.

"Well done, dear. Put Thorin in his place AND attract Smaug's attention all in one phone call. You're a natural." You glanced over at Thorin. He was staring right at you, prompted Dis to excuse herself. "Do you truly believe that of me? That I don't appreciate you?" Your brows scrunched together. "What? Of course not. I said that for Smaug's benefit." Okay, you were lying just a little bit. You did feel underappreciated, but you certainly weren't going to tell him that. "I need to go change before heading to Bilbo's." You scampered from the room as quickly as possible.

The first little meeting with Smaug went well. You let him compliment and dazzle you. You knew you couldn't just dive in head first with him. He was cautious, albeit cocky. He may have obtained his wealth and power by force, but he was far more wary and on alert about keeping what he'd already gained rather than adding to it. You had to be careful and take your time, something that Thorin found irritating for some reason.

It was several weeks later when you came to realization that these weren't just meetings to vent about your "lover" to Smaug. Somehow, without you realizing it, they had turned into dates. And you were enjoying them. Maybe it was because you'd been attracted to Thorin for so long without so much as a hint of reciprocated feelings and you were ready to move on. Or maybe it was because it had been a while since your last date. You didn't know but you did know that you liked hanging out with Smaug. You would have thought that would change when you saw his true nature.

"Y/N, come here would you, my dear," Smaug beckoned. You were sitting in his library that held more books than you thought you could read in a lifetime. You rose from your seat and joined him. Without a word, he slid a velvet box over to you. You blinked in surprise. "W-What is it?" He simply gestured to the box with a nod of his head. With shaking hands, you opened the small parcel. Inside, sat a ring with a jewel like you'd never seen before.

"S-Samuel, it's gorgeous. But whatever is it for?" you asked, afraid of the answer. It was far too soon in your "relationship" for that. "It is for you, treasure. A gift. A lovely jewel for an even lovelier one." You closed it carefully. "Samuel, it's lovely, but I-I'm not worthy of such a thing." Smaug arched a brow. "Oh, and why not? Is it because you are not who you say you are, Y/N?"

You felt a lump form in your throat. Had you been found out? How?! "I know you've been sent by Oakenshield. He wants you to spy on me." You tried to keep your eyes form widening. "That's ridiculous. Thorin has no idea I'm here. He'd kill us both if he knew." Smaug rose gracefully and beckoned you to follow after him. You did, slowly. If you had been found out, you were a dead woman. Whether by Smaug's hand or Thorin's remained to be seen.

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