Side by Side (Fili x fem!reader)

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(WARNINGS: ANGST! The whole thing is angst. Blood, injury and major deaths. BotFA.)

"What can we do?" you asked your lover, Fili, as he paced. You weren't sure which was worse. Knowing Fili's kin were out there fighting and dying while you sat back doing nothing or knowing that Thorin might never again be the same. "I do not know, Y/N. I don't know how much longer I can sit here doing nothing and Kee? He is ready to fight." The two of you spoke in hushed voices until the familiar form of Thorin came in. No longer did he wear his ornate robes and crown. Instead, he looked like the Thorin from the journey. The one determined to get his people home. "I have no right to ask it, but will you follow me? One last time?"

That was how you found yourself running toward the most vile enemy you'd ever faced. Azog. Fili would not let Thorin go alone and you weren't about to let Fili go without you. It didn't matter that you were a woman. You knew you need to be by his side. Thorin decided to send Fili and Kili to scout for a way to Azog. "Go. And don't be seen," Thorin warned as your lover grabbed your free hand and pulled you after him. If you were going to insist on fighting with him, he was going to keep you close.

You followed after the brothers, ready to defend if necessary. At one point, Fili stopped you and Kili. "We should separate." You shook your head. "Fee, that's a bad idea." He gave you a smile, the one he knew calmed you. "I know it is. But we can cover more ground that way." Reluctantly, you agreed with a sigh. "Be careful, my love." He hugged you close and kissed you firmly on the lips. "You as well, Y/N. I will be back." Another kiss and he was walking away from you.

You didn't make it far before you were set upon by a small pack of orcs. You fought as well as you could and you had the upper hand until Kili cried out. You looked up just as Kili screamed his brother's name. You held back a scream of your own seeing your lover run through by Azog's blade. Azog dropped him from the hill and Fili landed right next to you. In your distraction, you didn't realize that one of the orcs you'd been fighting wasn't completely dead.

You felt something pierce your flesh and you cried out in shock and pain. You felt the sticky warmth of your blood against your cooler skin before you fell down onto the ice. The orc raised his arms to strike another blow, but an arrow sank into his neck and he fell down dead next to you. You ignored the twitching orc as you turned your head to look over at Fili.

"Fili?" He coughed. It was so weak, you almost missed it. You forced yourself to lay still next to him. You could feel the effects of the loss of blood already. "It is alright, Amrâlimê," he groaned out before giving you a weak smile. "At least the last thing I see in this world will be your face." You laughed faintly. "I love you, Fili," you told him. "And I love you. I shall see you soon. We will be together in the next world." You slowly reached over for his hand. Your fingers had barely touched Fili's before the last breath left your bodies. Dwalin and Bofur found you just like that a few moments later.


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