Worth Fighting For (Thranduil x fem!elf reader)

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You were standing behind Thranduil's chair in the tent as you listened to Gandalf. He was going on about an army of orcs approaching and everyone being in danger. They wanted the mountain where the company of Thorin Oakenshield was now sealed in. You placed a delicate hand on your betrothed shoulder. His icy blue eyes met your (e/c) ones and he could see the fear there. As much as it pained Thranduil, he had to admit that he didn't understand your friendship with the dwarves. He also did not understand why you were so quick to listen to the wizard's warning.

After a few days and several long arguments between Thranduil, Bard, Gandalf and Thorin, war was declared. You silenced a gasp from your hiding place. Thranduil had ordered you to stay in Dale, but you didn't listen. Before any fighting between men, elves and dwarves could commence, there was a rumbling under the earth. Your horse reared up and nearly knocked you off as a huge worm-like creature came tumbling from underground. It was soon accompanied by a slew of orcs. You shuddered at the thought of dying by an orcs hand, but the thought that pushed you onward into battle was the idea that these beasts could kill not only your friends but Thranduil as well.

You knew Thranduil would not want you to fight, but you had something to fight for so you unsheathed your sword. You turned to look for Thranduil and saw his back was to you as he was fighting off orcs and making his way back to the city of Dale. You were tempted to follow, but another wave of orcs came charging in. You were not one to back down from a fight so you immediately charged into the battle. Some hours later, the orc threat was almost destroyed when you saw Legolas and Tauriel running off. Your eyes followed them to where four dwarves were attempting to take on Azog the Defiler and Bolg. Without another thought, you ran after them to help.

You took down orc after orc in your attempt to get to your friend and future stepson. The ice was no match for your elvish grace as you slid across it, slicing the head off yet another beast. You were oblivious to the everything except the blood that was now dripping from your sword as the last orc fell dead. You let out a sigh before going in search of Legolas. What you didn't know was Thranduil searching for you and his son among the dead.

When Thranduil had realized that you weren't in Dale where he told you to stay, he was furious at first. Then his rage gave way to something he was not used to feeling. Fear. The fear of losing you or Legolas. He'd already lost one love and he did not wish to lose another. He found Tauriel first. She was leaning over the body of the dwarf that had captured her heart. He spoke to her for a moment and then left her to grieve. He knew what she was feeling and as he continued to think on it, the fear gripped him again.

The next living person Thranduil encountered was Legolas. "Legolas, have you seen Y/N? I have not be able find her," he asked his son. As soon as the question had passed Thranduil's lips, you were there covered in dirt and orc blood, but alive. "Melamin," you said softly. You could not have described just how full your heart felt when you saw Thranduil again. "Why were you out here?" he snapped at you. He wasn't truly angry and you knew it. He was merely frightened and did not care to admit it.

"Some things are worth fighting for, My King," was all the explanation you gave before turning to Legolas. You were glad to see him safe and unharmed. "What is worth fighting for, Y/N?" the younger elf asked you. You pondered for a brief moment before smiling at him. "Love, my dear. Love is worth fighting for." Legolas quirked a brow, silently asking for more. "There are different types of love, Legolas. There is the love between friends, love between lovers and the love between parents and children and even many more. My love for my friends and my love for your father is worth fighting for."

Legolas gave you a small smile before leaving to journey west. "Are you angry with me, Melamin?" you asked Thranduil shyly after Legolas was gone. Thranduil gazed at you and noticed your fear. He was one of the most intimidating people in all of Middle Earth, so even you still feared him sometimes. "I should be furious, Y/N but you are correct. I will never understand your fondness of the dwarves, but some things are worth fighting for." In a moment of uncharacteristic sentiment, Thranduil pulled you to him, neither one of you caring that the other was wearing blood-covered armor. He planted a kiss to your temple and then pulled back. "Amin mela lle, Y/N." You smiled up at him. "And I love you, Thranduil."

Melamin= my love

Amin mela lle = Ilove you


(a/n: I've decided to post the Thranduil /"Beauty and the Beast"story as a different book since I have no idea how many parts it will be. I am updating it once a week. It's called "Beauty and the Elvenking"  and I will post the first 2 parts on Friday.)

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