The Sweetest Dwarf(Bofur x fem!hobbit reader)

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Bilbo let out another exasperated sigh as the door was knocked on for the fourth time that night. You stifled a giggle as your brother went to answer the door. When it opened, eight dwarves fell into the entryway. Where were all these dwarves coming from? You moved to help the dwarves untangle themselves. You were promptly knocked over by one of the dwarves as he managed to free himself from the pile before tripping over the feet of another and falling into you.

"Ow," you whispered as you opened your eyes. Your gaze was immediately locked with the big, brown eyes of the dwarf that had fallen on you. "Hello there, lass!" he greeted loudly over the din. "Hello to you, Master Dwarf," you returned the greeting with a laugh. You heard Bilbo clear his throat and the dwarf chuckled slightly as you blushed. He got up and helped you to your feet. "Bofur, at your service, Miss," he said with a bow.

"Y/N Baggins at yours," you replied with your best curtsy. You giggled when he took your hand and kissed it before returning to the rest of the dwarves in the dining room. You glanced at your brother who was standing by the door, his arms crossed over chests. "What?" you asked as you smoothed out your hair and clothing from the fall. "A dwarf, Y/N." You rolled your eyes. Bilbo was far too protective of you sometimes. "Oh, honestly! I was merely being friendly after an awkward greeting," you replied. You turned away to hide the blush creeping to your cheeks once again.

After several hours of feasting, cleaning and arguing, you decided to join the company of dwarves at Gandalf's insistence and to Bilbo's dismay. Your brother had flat-out refused to go, but you were ready to get out of the Shire. You had no need for treasure, but you wanted the experience and spending time with a certain brown-eyed dwarf was incentive enough. Bofur would have easily captured your attention even he hadn't fallen on you. He was sweet and kind. He could make you laugh, which was something you admired.

"Do you think he'll actually come?" Bofur's voice cut through your memories of the evening before. "Bilbo? I do, even if only to protect me," you answered. Gandalf looked over his shoulder at you with a smile. You kept your pony next to Bofur's. It's not that you didn't trust the others. They were an exceptional bunch, but you felt a pull toward Bofur you couldn't explain. Suddenly, you heard your brother's small voice coming from behind you. "Wait! I signed it!" You beamed at Bofur before looking at your brother with pride.

*time skip*

Bofur watched as you gracefully made your way across the camp to bring your brother his stew. Ever since he'd fallen through the door of your home, Bofur had become fascinated by you. You were a pretty little thing with (h/c) hair that curled softly and (e/c) orbs that seemed to dance in the firelight, at least to him. Bofur simply loved being near you and, after several weeks of travel, he realized it was because you were his One, the person he was meant to be with.

Bofur frowned slightly when he heard you giggle at something Fili had said, but he cheered up quickly when you got up and came over to where he was sitting. "Hello there, lass," he said when you sat next to him. "How are you on this fine evening, Master Bofur?" Bofur gave you an answer before taking a bite of his stew, a bit of broth dribbling down his chin. You chuckled a little and pulled out your handkerchief. Without thinking, you leaned close to him and cleaned his chin.

Bofur carefully observed you as you dabbed the broth from his mustache and beard. His heart skipped a beat when your eyes met his. "T-thank ya kindly, lass." You smiled before getting up and going to collect the empty stew bowls to wash in the nearby stream. Bofur watched you, but didn't notice when two people sat down beside him. "Are you going to talk to her?" Bofur jumped nearly a foot in the air, startled by the voice of your brother.

"I do talk to her, Bilbo lad," he said when his heart slowed back down. Bilbo gave him a look that said, "You know exactly what I mean." Ori gave a little snort next to Bilbo. "Bilbo's right. Everyone can see it. You should tell her." Bofur grinned at his friends. For one so young, Ori could be incredibly observant and wise. Bofur quickly drained the contents of his bowl and followed the path you'd taken to the stream. He heard you before he saw you. You were humming a song from your childhood.

Bofur was so engrossed in listening to you that he didn't see the tree root sticking up. He tripped and barreled right into you as you were turning to around, knocking you flat on your back in the water. After a moment, Bofur laughed. "Hello there." You let out another giggle as you watched Bofur's face turn red. "Hello to you, Master Dwarf." Bofur quickly got up and pulled you from the water. "We simply must stop meeting like this, Bofur." Bofur gazed down at you, surprised. That was the first time you called him simply by his name.

"Was there something you needed?" you asked him. Bofur opened his mouth to answer, but he couldn't seem to get the words out. He kept stuttering, mumbling and tripping over his words. You smiled sweetly at him and then leaned in to peck his cheek. Bofur was momentarily stunned, but quickly composed himself. "I needed to tell ya...I love ya, lass." You nodded once. "I know, Bofur. I'm not as oblivious as the others think. I noticed and I love you too." You gathered the ends of Bofur's scarf in your hands and pulled him to you, crashing you lips into his.

The kiss was everything you thought it would be. It tasted of tobacco, stew and little hint of the sweetness you'd expected. It wasn't a rushed, fiery kiss but rather a slow, somewhat sloppy yet still passionate kiss. You broke apart when his moustache tickled your nose and caused you to laugh. Bofur stared at you, wide-eyed. He'd never experienced a kiss like in his entire life. "I love you, my little hobbit lass," he said breathlessly. "And I love you, my sweetest dwarf."

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