Annoyance Breeds Affection (Fili x fem!hobbit reader)

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You looked at Bilbo when the knock on the door echoed through his house. "Are we expecting more company, Bilbo?" you asked your best friend. Bilbo shook his head as his brows furrowed. He got up and answered the door. Curious, you followed him and standing on the doorstep was a balding dwarf. You exchanged a glance with Bilbo as the dwarf pushed into the house.

Not long after, poor Bilbo's home was full of dwarves and neither one of you were very happy. "I don't understand what they're doing here," you told him and Bilbo shrugged. You suddenly felt yourself being pushed into your friend. You whipped your head around to glare at the dwarf that had been so clumsy and were met with the most beautiful pair of blue-green eyes you'd ever seen. "Could you watch where you're going?" you snapped. The dwarf just smiled at you, so you turned and stomped away ignoring Bilbo's cries. Those dwarves were an annoyance.

The next morning, somehow, you found yourself traveling with the company of Thorin Oakenshield. You don't know what possessed you to agree to go with Bilbo, but you do know you regretted it. The dwarves irritated you to no end, especially the two princes. At least that's what you told yourself and you were stubborn. As the journey went on, Bilbo noticed that you just seemed determined not to like the dwarves, which to him was ridiculous. Even he had begun to loosen up.

One other thing Bilbo noticed was that, although you were stubbornly refusing to befriend dwarves, you had taken an interest in the older Durin prince. "You should stop being so stubborn, Y/N and give the dwarves a chance. They really aren't so bad once you get to know them," Bilbo told you one night as you sat next to each other in camp. You sighed. Perhaps Bilbo was right. You smiled at him and nodded.

*time skip*

You held your breath as you watched Fili get up and dance with yet another young maiden during the feast at the Master's house in Laketown. He seemed happy and you had to admit you were jealous. Since your short little conversation with Bilbo, you'd given the dwarves a chance and you got to know them. Now, you found them charming and merry. Especially Fili.

"Something troubling you, lass?" You turned to look at Balin. He reached over and wiped the tears that you hadn't even realized had fallen. "No. I'm alright. Thank you, Balin. I think I'll just head to bed." You got up, gave Balin a friendly peck on the cheek, and went upstairs to the room the Master set aside for you. You didn't notice how Fili's eyes followed your retreating form, but Balin did.

The old dwarf smiled and made his way over to Fili. "Go after her, lad. She's a good lass and she likes ya." Fili looked at him, dumbstruck. Did you really like him? You'd never shown him that before. He thought you hated him. Balin laughed and gave Fili a little push. "Go on, lad." Fili followed your path up the stairs and to the room the Master had allowed you for the night. Once he was there, Fili immediately began pounding on the door, hoping you would hear him over the music from the floor below.

You opened the door, your eyes filled with anger. "What could you possibly want, Fili? Go back to your dance partner. I'm certain she is missing you." Your voice was missing its usual bite. "May I come in?" You sighed, but moved to let him in. You closed the door and turned to face him. Before you could say a word, Fili had his arms around you. "What are you doing?"

"I believe it's called a hug, Y/N. Now, are you going to hug me back?" he asked, pulling back enough for you to see the playful smirk on his lips. You groaned and tried to push him away. There was no force behind it though. "Go back to your maiden." He chuckled softly. He thought you were adorable trying to order him around. "And if I do not wish to? You are far more fun," he said.

You gave him a look that would make most men cower. "No, Fili! You don't get to waltz in here and make me believe that you want anything to do with me." Before another word could pass your lips, they were covered. By Fili's hand. "Y/N, please stop talking. You have all the fierceness of a rabbit when you aren't angry. And you aren't. I want you to believe that want something to do with you. I danced with those maids simply because I believed there was no hope for us. Now I know there is."

You quirked a brow and then looked down at his hand. He removed it so you could speak. "Are you finished?" Fili nodded. "Good. If you ever tell me to stop talking again, I will kick your dwarf butt down the stairs." Fili chuckled again before pressing his forehead to yours. "I love you, my little hobbit lass." You closed your eyes as the words echoed in your ears. "I love you too, Fili."

He smiled at you. He backed away and took your hand in his. "Now, will you join me for a dance?" You took a moment to look down at yourself. "I'm in my nightgown." Fili shrugged. "And? It is far prettier than the dress you had on." You smacked his shoulder playfully. "FILI! Why must you be so annoying?!" The two of you laughed and he pressed a kiss to your lips.

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