Are You Alright? (Bofur x reader, Fili x reader x Kili)

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(The ships in this are platonic, but Bofur x reader could possibly be considered romantic if you wanted to)

After traveling with the Company for so long, you were used to Fili and Kili's pranks. They noticed this of course and began to grow more and more bold with each prank or trick. To your credit, you took it all in stride until one day they went too far and you got hurt. Or rather, embarrassed.

The two princes had taken it upon themselves to go through your pack while you were off bathing. They'd never done it before and you guessed they wondered what you carried around with you. At the bottom of your bag, snuggled safely away, was a toy you'd had since childhood. It was a very special stuffed toy that was given to you by a special person. It had been with you through everything and you weren't about to leave it behind when you began this journey.

Of course, Fili and Kili didn't know the significance of said toy. All they saw was the opportunity for another prank at your expense. The two quickly scattered all your belongings in the woods surrounding your camp. They last thing they hid was the toy. When you came back from your bath, you sucked in a deep breath. Your pack was lying on the ground, not where were left it, and it was obviously empty.

Your eyes shot over to where Fili and Kili were before you dashed for your pack. Sure enough, every last thing was gone, including your toy. "Where is it?" you asked. They shrugged with mischievous smirks. "Boys, it's not funny. Where is it?" Kili chuckled and pointed up to the tree above him. There is was, tangled among the branches, its plush now sticking out all over the place. It was ruined. "Why would you do that?" you asked quietly, trying not to cry. You couldn't cry in front of them. Fili arched a brow. "It's only a toy, Y/N."

Fire flashed in your eyes as you rounded on the blond prince. "It is not JUST a toy," you seethed, "My grandfather made that for me before he died. It is the only thing I have to remember him by and you've gone and ruined it." You stomped away, leaving the princes staring after you and Bofur watching you go with a sad smile on his face.

Bofur was the only one who'd heard the exchange between you and the Durins. They really had gone too far that time. Bofur sighed. "Ya better fix this, lads," he whispered as he turned to go find you. He hated seeing you so upset, especially when you were normally as cheerful as he was. The pranks had never gotten to you before and it hurt Bofur to know that it was Thorin's kin who did it to you.

"Go away," your voice said as Bofur approached you while you were gathering the rest of your belongings. "Are ya alright, Y/N? I heard what Fili and Kili did." You turned to Bofur and gave him a sad smile. "No, I'm not alright. They had no right to snoop and they certainly had no right to do that!" Bofur took a step closer. "Aye, you're right. What can I do to help?" You shrugged as you bent to pick up something else. Bofur stilled your movement with a hand on your arm. You stopped and looked at him.

"Sit for a moment, Y/N. Ya need a moment to grieve." You simply stared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh of relief and sinking to the ground. Bofur sat next to you, as close as he dared, which was actually fairly close. He reached over to give your hand a pat. You surprised him by taking his hand in yours. Bofur rubbed comforting circles on the back of your hand with his thumb while you sat there and tried not to cry.

After a few moments of silence, Bofur spoke again, "Can ya tell me about him? Your grandfather?" You smiled. No one ever really asked you about him anymore. You began to talk to Bofur about your grandfather and how much you missed him. You told him everything from how he would make you laugh when no one else could to how sick he was when he died. You talked until you were nearly hoarse, but Bofur didn't seem to mind.

He didn't mind at all. Bofur was the closest to you out of anyone in the Company. You were his dearest friend outside of his own family and he cared deeply for you. When you were hurting, he hurt and when you were happy, he was happy. He loved talking with you and listening to you and this talk seemed to be helping you a great deal.

"Y/N?" a sheepish voice cut off your current thought. You glanced over to where Fili and Kili were standing. Kili held the stuffed toy in one hand and all the fallen-out stuffing in the other. "We're very sorry. We didn't know how important this was to you." He slowly walked over and placed your possession in your lap. Then, as quickly as they appeared, the two dashed off.

Bofur looked down at the toy. You were already staring at it, fresh tears forming in your eyes. "I can fix that...if ya would like. I know it won't be the same, but at least you'll still have it with ya." You sniffed and smiled at Bofur. "I-I think that'd be nice. Then I can have memories of both my favorite people." Bofur felt himself blush at that, but he cleared his throat and carefully reached for the toy. "May I?" You nodded.

Bofur went off to get supplies from his pack, but returned a moment later. He sat back down next to you and began working. You watched hishands as they deftly replaced the stuffing and sewed up the places that neededto be repaired. Bofur's movements were quick and sure but very careful at the same time. In no time, he held up your toy with a smile on his face. "There ya are, Y/N. Right as rain." You took the toy, holding it close to your chest. "Thank you, Bofur. You're the greatest." You leaned over and kissed his cheek then got up to head back to camp. Bofur watched you go with a smile on his face. You were going to be just fine.

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