A Treasure Beyond Measure (Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader)

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Thorin stared in disbelief. How had you managed to follow them so far? As your suitor, Thorin had always known you were mischievous, but not like this. You bit your lip as you waited for Thorin to make up his mind about what to do with you. You had been following after the Company for weeks and none of them had noticed until that night. Apparently, you had twisted your ankle after stepping in a rabbit hole. The little cry of pain you'd let out had given away your hiding place.

Now, Thorin was left with the decision of whether or not to send you back where you came from. "What are you doing here?" he asked sharply. You winced a little at the tone, but answered quickly. Thorin frowned. There was no way he could send you back. Not without putting you in danger. It was too far and dangerous a journey for a woman alone. "Very well. You may travel with us until the next village." You nodded and smiled at the gruff dwarf king.

*time skip*

You were sitting on a boulder, talking and laughing with his nephews, as you had done nearly every night. When you had gotten to the next village, you'd made it quite clear that you had no intention of remaining there while Thorin trekked through the wild without you. "The worry would drive me mad," you had told him before continuing, "If you leave me behind, I will simply follow you again." Knowing there was no point in fighting you, Thorin agreed to let you stay on with him and the Company.

Thorin should have known this would happen. He should have known the others in the Company would want to talk to you. To spend time with you. After all, you were a treasure. Females, dwarf or not, were rare, especially on journeys like theirs. So, Thorin knew there would be the possibility of the others wanting your attention. However, that didn't prepare him to feel the jealousy coursing through him. Was he going to lose you?

The longer you were with them, the more Thorin felt he was, in fact, going to lose you. When you looked at him, you would frown slightly instead of smiling and your eyes looked sad. Thorin knew he hadn't been giving you the attention you deserved and he was determined to fix that now. You were his love, a treasure he never wanted to lose, and he just had to let you know that.

The king instructed Dwalin to take over the watch while he went in search of something. Dwalin nodded, following the king's gaze to where you were sitting. Thorin's best friend instantly understood. "Ya know she don't love anyone but ya, don't ya, Thorin?" Thorin scoffed in response. He certainly wasn't going to talk to Dwalin about it. Nodding at his friend, Thorin went off.

It didn't take him long to find what he was looking for. A bright smile spread across his lips when his eyes fell on the flowers. Your favorite. He picked a few before heading back to camp. He was so busy looking at the beautiful flowers in his hands, he didn't notice someone coming toward him until he ran into them.

The beautiful flowers were crushed between the two bodies and petals fell toward the dirt floor, along with Thorin's mood. Three tiny petals were still clinging to the stems. Thorin whipped his head up, prepared to yell at whoever it was that had run into him. His mouth instantly snapped closed when he realized it was you.

"Thorin. Are you alright?" He nodded and shoved the flowers, uh, stems, in your face. Giggling, you took from him and kissed his knuckles. "What has gotten into you? You didn't hear me calling your name?" Thorin shook his head and you frowned. He wasn't acting normal. "Thorin, love? What is it?"

"Are you happy with me?" Your brows furrowed. "What brought this on?" Thorin ran his hand over his beard and groaned. He wasn't good with expressing these kinds of emotions. Anger and frustration? Sure. But not this. "That's not an answer, Y/N." You stuffed the stems into your cloak pocket and took Thorin's hands in yours. "Thorin, of course I am happy with you. I love you." He blinked in surprise. Neither of you had said those words before. "You do?" You chuckled at his reaction. "Of course I do. I have always loved you, Thorin."

"Even when I'm gruff and grumpy?" You leaned in and kissed his nose. "Especially when you're grumpy. Because I know that I'm the one who can get you out of it." He smiled at you before wrapping an arm around your back and resting his forehead on yours. "Yes, you are. I apologize for my mistreatment of you, Amrâlimê." You arched a brow. "Mistreatment?"

"You are a treasure far beyond measure, Y/N and I have not treated you as such. I was so worried I was going to lose you to someone else in the Company." You laughed and shook your head. "Is that the reason for the flowers?" Thorin nodded sheepishly. "Oh, Thorin, you don't need to give me flowers for me to know how you feel. I can see it in the way you look at me."

You kissed his lips and took a step back. "Now, as for the others, there's no need for you to be jealous." Thorin frowned. "I wasn't jealous." You reached over and booped his nose. "Yes you were." Thorin grabbed your waist and gave a little squeeze. You shrieked and tried to run away, but Thorin was too quick for you. As your giggles were carried on the wind toward the camp, the rest of the Company smiled. "I think they'll be alright," Dwalin commented and the others nodded in agreement.     

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