Unsavory (Thranduil x fem!reader)

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Thranduil was seething as he listened to the lowered voices. Now, normally, the Elvenking wouldn't bother to listen to idle gossip, but when he heard your name, he couldn't help but listen in. Who were these men and why did they feel the need to talk about you so? You were a female healer of the race of Men Thranduil met after the Battle of the Five Armies and he couldn't help but fall for you. Now, hearing these men speak about you in such...unsavory terms made the king jealous beyond reason.

Thranduil had not told you how he felt in words, but his actions spoke volumes. Or so he thought. Apparently it wasn't enough if the words coming from those men were to be believed. According to them, you weren't just the royal family's personal healer, you were the king's consort. Thranduil could feel his anger rising the longer he listened until he finally could hear no more. He turned away and headed back into the heart of Dale where King Bard would be hosting a celebration. You were going to be there.

You were humming to yourself as you stood near Bard and gazed out at the dancing couples. "He will be here, Y/N," Bard said with a soft chuckle making you glare at him. Bard was your closest friend so he knew everything about you, even your affection for the Elvenking of Mirkwood. "There is a part of me that doubts that, my friend. Thranduil has been avoiding me all day and I do not know why," you said with a sigh. Bard's brows furrowed and he shrugged.

"I believe we know, Y/N," a soft voice caught your attention. You turned to find Bard's daughters standing beside you. Bard arched a brow and smiled. "Could it possibly be that my children were eavesdropping yet again?" The girls looked down sheepishly but giggled at their father. "Oh, Bard hush. What were you saying, girls?" Tilda looked slightly confused but Sigrid was biting her lip, indicating she knew exactly what she heard had meant.

"We were down at the market today and we heard some men talking about you, Y/N. Then, we saw King Thranduil walking back this way. He must have heard what we did." You were about to ask when you Thranduil finally swept into the room. He came over to the throne and gave Bard a little bow. "Bard, children. Lady Y/N." You flinched at the way he said your name. It was as if your name left a foul taste in his mouth. Still, etiquette dictated your next move. You bowed and tried to convey the fact that you wanted to speak with him through your eyes. It didn't work.

A young elf maiden approached Thranduil and bravely asked for a dance. Your heart sank as he took her hand and lead her to the floor. Fighting back tears, you returned your attention to Sigrid and Tilda. "Please, Sigrid. What did you hear?" Sigrid exhaled deeply and replied, "We heard a man. We could not see his face, but we heard everything. He was telling someone that you were not the person you claim to be. He said that you were Father's consort." Her cheeks were the color of a tomato and Tilda still looked confused. "What is a consort, Father?" Bard's eyes widened and he shook his head. "I will tell you when you're older. For now, I need to help our dear friend."

Sigrid and Tilda left the two of you. You felt tears pricking yours eyes they once again found Thranduil. He was still moving gracefully across the dance floor with the female elf in his arms. That explained so much. You couldn't deny you were angry. People talked about your friendship with Bard all the time, but never before had it interfered with your life. It was clear to you that Thranduil believed the unsavory rumors. "How can I fix this, Bard?" you whispered.

"Talk to him, Y/N." You shook your head, the tears still threatening to fall. "How can I? He won't even look at me. How can I get him to talk to me?" Bard sighed and stood. Stretching, he felt his back pop. "I hate that seat," he said, gesturing to his throne. You laughed through your tears as he extended a hand to you. "Dance with me." You looked at him as if he were mad. "I can get you close to him. Just dance with me."

You took his hand as another song began to play. True to his word, Bard maneuvered you around the floor until you were right next to Thranduil and his partner. "King Thranduil, perhaps you will do me the honor of changing partners? I'm afraid my friend has less grace than I do and could benefit from a elf partner." You could have punched Bard, but you knew what he was trying to do, especially since he emphasized the word "friend".

For a brief moment, Thranduil's face contorted in something that could almost be described as annoyance, but he didn't wish to insult Bard, so he gave a curt nod. Bard let go of you and took the hand of the elf that had been dancing with Thranduil. Thranduil slowly took your hands and brought you closer to him. For a few moments, nothing was said between you. When you couldn't take the silence anymore, you asked him, "Do you truly believe what you heard?"

You took the chance to glance into his ice-blue eyes and were actually surprised to see a look of shock on his face. "How did you know?" You sighed. "Bard's daughters heard the same things. They saw you leaving the town. How could you possibly believe that those things about me? I am not, nor have I ever been Bard's consort. He is my best friend, nothing more," you told him quickly, wanting to get it over and done with as quickly as possible.

Thranduil stopped dancing and backed away. He took one of your hands and lead you from the dance floor and into an empty corridor. He turned to you and spoke again. "You are not his lover?" You shook your head. "I am a fool." You nodded this time and sniffled, the tears finally beginning to fall. "I cannot understand how the great Elvenking could be foolish enough to listen to gossip and then not come and speak to me of the matter. I thought you cared about me. Perhaps I was the fool."

You felt Thranduil's long fingers wipe the tears from your face. "No, Melamin. It was my folly. I should have questioned you. I was just so...angry and maybe even a bit jealous. I could not bear to think of you in the arms of another." You sniffed again and looked up at him. "Why?" He laughed and dropped his hands to grab yours again. "I do believe you are a sorceress for you have bewitched me. I did not think I could ever love again and yet, here we are. I cannot deny my love for you and when I heard that you might love another, it broke my heart all over again. An elf can only take so much loss."

You pulled your hands from his and reached up to cup his cheeks. "Oh, Thranduil. My heart belongs to no one but you. How could it?" Thranduil smiled at you and leaned down to touch his forehead to yours. For what felt like hours, but was probably only seconds, the two of you stood there quietly. "We should head back before more rumors start," you said softly, hating that you had to break the serenity. Thranduil's eyes flashed and he wrapped his arms tightly around you. "Let them talk, Y/N. If there are to be any more unsavory rumors about you, they shall include me and not Bard." You chuckled and shook your head fondly before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his pale cheek. 

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