The Prince and the Maid (Haldir x fem!reader) Cinderella AU

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Envy. That was the only word to describe how you were feeling as you watched your step-father and his daughters ride off in the carriage. You wanted to go to the ball, even if you didn't get the chance to meet Prince Haldir. You just wanted to get out for a while. To enjoy a once in a lifetime experience. But you couldn't. You were only a maid in your own home.

You knew your step-father, Gollum as he liked to be called, had some type of mental illness, so you really didn't blame him for what he did to you most of the time. His "precious" daughters however? They were just mean for the sake of being mean. They forced you to do everything and because of their father's illness, they were able to easily manipulate him into doing whatever they wanted. Including piling so many chores on you that there was no way you'd be ready to go to the ball.

So, you watched your family go and wished with everything you had that it was different. Once they were out of sight, you trudged back into the house. Your brows furrowed when you saw the two other maids smiling at you. From behind their backs, they produced the most beautiful gown you'd ever seen. "We made it from the scraps of your mother's old dress. So you can feel like she's with you." Your eyes filled with tears as you thanked them.

Once you were changed, they handed you a pair of shoes that looked like pure gold. You'd never seen them before, but you were already running late and had no time to ask. You climbed into the carriage and hurried off to the ball.

When you entered the ballroom, the entire room grew silent. You could feel your face heating up when all the eyes turned to you. Someone you didn't recognize stepped up to the landing and held out his hand to you. You silently thanked him for getting the attention off of you. You descended and took his hand as the music started up again.

"I don't believe I recognize you," he stated. You swallowed thickly. "I don't get out much," you quickly supplied. He nodded. "Neither do I. I do not have time for much other than my royal duties." You wanted to freeze right there. He was Prince Haldir. You were dancing with Prince Haldir and you hadn't even noticed. "Are you alright?" he asked. You smiled up at him.

"I am. I just...didn't think I would be lucky enough to dance with you, my prince." A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. "You came to a ball being held to help me find a wife and did not expect to dance with me?" You laughed a little. When he put it that way, it did sound silly. "Of course. There are plenty of other ladies here for you to dance with."

"Are there? I really hadn't noticed. You have beautiful eyes. Has anyone ever told you that?" Despite the fact that he'd said it so matter-of-factly, you could feel yourself flushing at the compliment. "T-Thank you, Your Highness." He spun you around as the dance came to an end. He bowed and kissed your knuckles. "Thank you for a lovely dance. I'm afraid I must dance with another lady now, but I hope to dance with you again soon."

Haldir danced with you many more times that night and you enjoyed each and every second. For the first time in a long time, you felt free. You felt like you could do anything and be anyone. But, as midnight neared, you found yourself getting anxious. You knew you had to get home and soon. If your step-sisters caught you out, there was no telling what they would do.

When the clock struck twelve, you ran. You ran from the prince, from the gorgeous gowns and beautiful music. You ran until you couldn't run any more. As soon as you made it home, you stripped from the gown and the golden shoes and hid them as best you could. You would wear them again tomorrow night.

The next night was almost the same. You danced with the prince some more and spoke with him about anything and everything. You got to know him in ways many others didn't. You even escaped from the ball for a bit. Haldir was charming and ever the gentleman. He was every bit the prince he was expected to be inside the palace. But outside, he was different. More open. More carefree. The night once again ended with you running away. The third night was a bit different.

"I truly enjoy the simple things in life," he told you as you sat among the flowers of the garden. "As do I. An escape from the lives we live. A place where people truly understand who we are and don't expect us to change," you whispered. Haldir looked into your eyes. "That's right. It's like you can read my mind." You giggled a bit as the wind ruffled Haldir's long locks.

Haldir's looked down and moved his hand closer to yours. The way he slowly moved, it was almost tentative, as if he wasn't used to a lot of physical contact. You didn't move a muscle until his hand found a place safely on top of yours. "These last two nights have been refreshing. I feel like I can truly be myself with you." You glanced up to see his face close to yours.

You stared into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity. Time seems to slow as you both inch forward. You couldn't believe what was happening. And then? The clock began to strike twelve. You jumped up. "I'm sorry. I have to go." Without looking back, you ran. Again.

You ran down the palace steps then suddenly nearly toppled over. You glanced down to see that your right foot was stuck in pitch. You chuckled lowly. "Smart prince." You bit your lip and considered your options. Did you leave the shoe behind and keep going? Or did you stay and risk getting caught by your family? And what would happen when Haldir found out who you really were?

You shook your head. It was safer for you to leave. Sure, everything was wrong at home, but you were safe and out of sight. You belonged there. You would never belong in the palace. Making up your mind, you stepped out of the shoe and ran around the pitch down the rest of the steps.

*time skip And POV change*

Haldir had run after you that night. When he got to the steps where the pitch was spread, he smiled. "Clever." He knew you couldn't far with one shoe. So, he began to search. He had to find you. After speaking and dancing with you for several nights, Haldir knew you were the one for him. None of the ladies of court or princesses of other kingdoms could compare. They didn't understand his simplest of desires. You did.

He searched for you all night and well into the next day. Every home in the kingdom was visited by the prince. Not only did he not find anyone who fit the misplaced shoe, but he didn't recognize the faces. He had met so many people the last nights that the faces blurred together. Except for the eyes. Your eyes would stay with him for all eternity. He could never forget them. That's what he looked for in all the young ladies he saw during his search.

Finally, toward the end of the day, when Haldir was all but ready to pass out from exhaustion, they approached the last manor in the village. Haldir's eyes scanned the home and saw a shape in the window. He caught a glimpse of (h/c) hair before the curtain closed.

The door opened to reveal a small man with a small smile. "Your Highness," he whispered with a bow. Before Haldir could greet him in return, the man was practically shoved out the way. "Forgive our father, Your Highness. He is not at all well. How may we serve you?" Haldir quickly explain what he was doing there and the young ladies giggled incessantly.

"A shoe of gold? So...preciousssss," the old man hissed. The ladies shooed their father away again and invited Haldir in. Both young women tried on the shoe, but it didn't fit. And their eyes were not like yours at all. They were full of what could only be described as cruelty.

"Is there no one else in the house? I saw someone with (h/c) hair standing in the window upstairs as I approached. The two ladies exchanged a scared glance. "Oh, that's Y/N. A scullery maid. She's no one important." Haldir narrowed his eyes. "I must insist." They tried to argue, but a soft voice stopped them.

"They are right. I'm only a maid. I have nothing to offer a prince." Haldir closed his eyes and sighed. He recognized that voice. Turning slightly, he saw you coming down the stairs. He took the shoe from his steward and came closer to you. "I have only my heart," you said softly. Haldir looked into your eyes. It really was you. He wasn't imagining it.

"That is all I want. If you will have me." You smiled and looked down at the golden shoe. "Perhaps we should see if it fits." Haldir actually chuckled at that before dropping to one knee. He slipped the shoe onto your foot and stood up. He scooped you up in his arms. "You are the only one for me, my Y/N." You let him carry you out to his horse and the two of you rode away, never to look back on your life as a maid. 

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