Skin-Changer(Legolas x skin-changer!reader{platonic})

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Your father Beorn hadn't wanted you to leave with the company of dwarves when they stopped by your home. Still, you'd never been one to just blindly follow his orders. You left with Thorin Oakenshield and company, only to be imprisoned a little while later. That was when you met Legolas, the Prince of Mirkwood.

You hadn't intended on befriending the elf, but neither of you could seem to help it. It started because you'd never seen an elf before and he, in turn, had never set eyes on a skin-changer. Legolas would come into the dungeons and ask you all sorts of questions in return to answering some of yours. It didn't take long for a friendship to form.

The thing about skin-changers that most people didn't know was that, when a skin-changer made a friend, they would die for them. You were no exception. You fought off enemies as quickly as you could. Legolas was in trouble and you needed to get to him. Fast.

A snarl ripped from your throat as you took down another Warg. You counted yourself lucky that you had energy to spare in your animal form. You made your way to Legolas who gazed upon you in fear until you stepped in between him and the orcs attacking him. "Y/N?" You growled in response before chaos ensued. You weren't sure what happened, but before you knew it, you were falling to your death.


Legolas watched in horror as you fell, taking the orc down with you. He didn't have much time to think about it before he had to return to fighting. The whole time, he kept wondering what he could have done differently. Could he have saved you life? The nagging voice in the back of his head kept telling him that it was his fault you were gone. It was on his head that you were dead. Your father would never forgive him.

"Legolas?" Aragorn's voice jerked Legolas from his thoughts. Legolas looked at him, his eyes full of guilt and sorrow. "What troubles you, Mellon?" Legolas sighed and told Aragorn that he was thinking of you again. For the past 60 years, Legolas had carried the burden of your death. He had not a peaceful rest since that day, his mind plagued with dreams of you and the battle.

"It was no fault of yours, Legolas. Y/N made a choice. You did not choose for them. The death is not on your shoulders." Aragorn clapped his hand on Legolas' shoulder and smiled. "Come. The Council will begin soon." Legolas gave a slight nod and followed Aragorn out. He hoped something good would come of this mysterious council meeting. He would not be disappointed.

Legolas sat as the rest of the council wandered into the garden in small groups. Not long after everyone arrived, Legolas learned the reason for his summons. The One Ring had been found and needed to be destroyed. Legolas was quick to offer his services to the quest. Perhaps this would make certain your death was not in vain. Soon, the Fellowship was formed. Nine companions would set out to destroy the Ring.

"There is one more I believe should join your Fellowship," Elrond said, taking the Fellowship by surprise. "I believe they will be of use." Legolas felt his eyes widen when a figure appeared out of nowhere. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. You were alive.

"This is Y/N. A skin-changer. One of the last left." You cleared your throat. "The last, I'm afraid. My father is long since dead." Legolas let his eyes scan your form. You looked older, more worn but no less strong. Your (e/c) eyes found his and you smiled.

"I take it this is your friend, Legolas?" Aragorn asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. You let out a deep chuckle. "It is...but I do not understand how." Legolas looked legitimately confused and the others couldn't resist a laugh. "Do you truly think a fall like that would kill me? It hurt certainly, but I healed quickly enough under my father's care and Gandalf's of course."

Nothing else was said until you were heading out the next morning. "I still cannot believe you are alive, Mellon," Legolas whispered to you and you smiled. "Strider says you have been carrying the guilt with you for all these years. Is that true?" He nodded. "How could I not? I thought you had died for me. " You shrugged. "I apologize for not letting you know that I had lived. I traveled to Mirkwood after I healed, but the king informed me that you had left. I have spent many years traveling Middle Earth and never saw you."

"I am just grateful that you are alive." You grinned and quipped, "Hopefully I will not have to die again. I trust you are a better shot than you were sixty years ago?" Legolas didn't look amused while the dwarf, Gimli, laughed merrily. "I think I'm gonna enjoy havin' you around,Y/N," he declared between deep belly laughs. Legolas groaned inwardly. If you were going to behave that way with Gimli, it was going to be a long journey.     

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