Grieve (Fili x fem!dwarf reader)

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You forced your legs to carry you faster up toward Fili. You had to save him. You just had to. You'd known each other briefly as children, but had met again as mature dwarfs at the home of Bilbo Baggins. Your father had sent you to assist the Company of Thorin Oakenshield in their quest to reclaim Erebor and that's when you realized that Fili was your One, the dwarf you were meant to spend your life with.

Your legs pumped furiously until you caught up to him. You barely managed to stop him from walking into Azog's trap. "Fili!" You threw your arms around him, happy to be in his if only for a moment. A scream echoed through the tunnels and Fili cried out, "KILI!" You followed him through the winding tunnels. Kili was attempting to fight off several orcs including Bolg.

You and Fili immediately drew your weapons ready to fight off anything that got in your way. Between the three of you, Dwalin and two elves, you were able to dispatch all of them. All of them except Azog. You knew Thorin wanted to kill the beast himself. You watched in horror as the Defiler burst through the ice and attacked Thorin yet again. Thorin beheaded the pale orc, but not before taking a blow of his own. You rushed with Fili and Kili to his side.

That had been months ago. Thorin Oakenshield died at the hands of the pale orc, but his nephews had survived, thanks to you. There had been no feast that night. Only a funeral. You stayed by Fili's side all the while. He refused to cry, refused to mourn. Physically, Fili was there but his mind and heart were elsewhere. Kili was the same, although he had the she-elf by his side.

Fili was slouched on the throne when you entered the room. He'd been crowned King of Erebor and it weighed heavily on him. It did not help that he had not grieved. "Fili, my love. You cannot go on this way. You must mourn your uncle," you told him, causing him to sigh heavily. "I cannot, Y/N. I am king now. I must have strength for my people." You put your hands on your hips. "How good of a king can you expect to be if you are distracted by your grief?! You are doing no favor to your people or to yourself!"

Fili's blue-green eyes met your gaze. Deep down, he knew you were right. He gave you a sad smile as he rose from the throne and made his way over to you. "How is it you always know what to say, Amrâlimê?" He wrapped his arms around you, burying his head in the crook of your neck before, finally breaking down. He sobbed for what seemed like forever. You held him close as the tears fell, knowing this was what he needed.

You whispered soothing words to him as you heard the door open. You saw Kili from the corner of your eye and he looked concerned. You smiled to let him know that it was okay. He walked over to where you and Fili were, wrapping his arms around both of you. Upon seeing his brother's wet cheeks, he couldn't hold back his own tears. You held your new little family close and let them mourn, happy that they were finally able to grieve.


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