Trapped in the Library (Eomer x reader) Trapped Together AU

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What kind of animal locked the castle library up at night? What if someone, *ahem*, couldn't sleep and decided they needed a book to help? Well, that's what had happened to you. For the third night in a row, you were restless. You weren't sure what it was but ever since you'd arrived in Gondor, you hadn't been able to sleep. So, when Pippin suggested you try reading a bit in the library, you didn't think anything of it. In fact, it was a relatively good idea. Right?

Turns out, that was wrong. You had gone to the library and sought out a good book that could possibly help you get to sleep. Just as you were about to leave the library, you heard it. The tell-tale sound of the door being locked. Your brows furrowed in confusion as you approached the door. You tried the handle and sure enough, it was locked. "What?" you whispered before trying again.

Another noise caught your attention. It sounded like someone rustling around in the vast room. You turned around quickly, but the movement caused your candle to go out, leaving you with only the light of the moon through the window to see by. When you heard something run into one of the shelves, you knew for a fact you weren't alone. You quickly ducked behind the nearest thing big enough to hide you. The sound of footsteps got closer. You only had one weapon. The giant book in your hands.

Steeling your nerves, you came out of your hiding place, brandishing your book. "Whoa!" You recognized the voice immediately. How could you not? You'd only been enchanted by it for months now. "Eomer?!" He let out a light chuckle. "Y/N. Surely no offense is worth a book to the head? Is it?" he asked, eyes flicking to the book you still held high. You looked down at the floor sheepishly. "I suppose not," you whispered as you lowered the book. Eomer took a moment to relight your candle. You had to fight to look away from him. He looked even more mysterious and handsome in the candle light.

"Good. Now was it my imagination, or did I hear the door lock?" You nodded. "It's locked. Is that normal practice around here?" Eomer shook his head and answered, "Not that I'm aware of. I have spent many nights here and those doors have never been locked before." You felt your lips turning down into a frown. If it wasn't normal, then who would lock the door?

"What brings you here, Y/N? Other than threatening people with literature?" You laughed a little too loudly, but Eomer didn't seem to care. "I couldn't sleep. So Pippin sugg-" you cut off when your brain made the connection. "Peregrin Took..." you said suddenly. Eomer arched a brow at you. "What of Mr. Took?"

"He did this on purpose. It was his suggestion I come to library. This has his mischief written all over it." Eomer laughed a bit and gave you a nod. "Not just his it seems. It was his small friend's suggestion that I read as well." You wanted to groan. You knew exactly why the two had done this. It was because they both knew how you felt about Eomer. No matter how you'd tried to deny it to them, they didn't believe that you didn't care for Eomer. And they were right.

How could you not be attracted to him? He was strong and handsome. He had an air of confidence, but never shirked away from helping those in need. He was also kind and caring, even if he tried to hide it under a mask of pure strength. All-in-all, Eomer was a catch. One you had fallen for more quickly than you could have imagined. But you couldn't bring yourself to say anything to him. After all, he was technically a prince now, the heir to King Théoden's throne in Rohan. What chance did you stand?

"Y/N?" You shook yourself out of your thoughts. "Sorry, what?" Eomer gave you one of his beautiful, rare smiles. "I asked why you think they did this?" You opened your mouth to tell him, but you couldn't. It didn't make sense since you weren't usually so shy, but you just couldn't bring yourself to tell him. So, you shrugged.

"Well, I don't think we'll be getting out any time soon. What shall we do to pass the time?" Sighing, you sank down to the floor. Sure there was a perfectly good chair right next to you, but you did your best thinking sitting on the floor. Eomer stared at you for a moment, before chuckling and joining you on the floor. He sat so close, you could feel the heat radiating off of him. For a few moments, there was silence between you. Then, you decided to start talking and once you started, conversation flowed easily.

When it was nearly dawn, Eomer stretched a bit. Then, he turned his eyes to you. You could see how tired he was, but those eyes still held a sense of mirth. "I think I know why your friends decided to lock us in here for the night." You cocked your head to the side and your eyes widened. He knew?

"I think they want me to admit my feelings for you, Y/N." You froze in place. "Your feelings for me?" Eomer looked away, but you weren't letting him say something like that and then clam up. You cupped his cheek and gently brought his face back so you could see his eyes. "W-What feelings, Eomer?" He licked his lips, momentarily distracting you.

"I...I care for you, Y/N. Very much. Somehow, the little ones found out. They have been after me to admit how I feel for months now." You wanted to cheer and cry at the same time. "Eomer," you started, but he cut you off. "It's alright. I never expected you to return my feelings. I'm certain you have many better prospects." He moved to get up, but you stopped him. You grabbed his hand and pulled.

Unfortunately, you pulled to hard, knocking yourself back with Eomer hovering over you. Your eyes went wide again. The two of you just stared at each other in surprise. It wasn't until you heard the door open that you looked away from one another. You still didn't move though. "Rise and shin-oh!" Pippin stood in the doorway, his face beet red. Merry wore an identical expression. "Um, we should go, Pipp. Sorry to interrupt!"

The door slammed closed and the spell between you and Eomer broke. You both broke down in a fit of laughter. Eomer slowly rose to his feet and offered his handbto help you up. "Perhaps we should go after them. Make sure they don'thave the wrong idea," you suggested. Eomer slowly wrapped his arms around you. "Or we could stay here for a bit longer," he answered, his nose brushing against yours.    

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