Awkward Love (Bofur x fem!reader)

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Bofur was at a loss. He really had thought the feeling was mutual, but you kept rebuffing his advances. Whenever he approached you and tried to court you, you'd just blush and find an excuse to walk away, leaving Bofur standing there alone awkwardly. Everyone in the Company was beginning to feel bad for Bofur. They knew how much he liked you and, like Bofur, they thought you liked him too.

You did. You had fallen in love with Bofur quickly, but you were certain he didn't feel the same. You thought his "attempts" were just him being friendly. You didn't want that, so you ran. You tried to squash your feelings, but it didn't work. And since you were out in the wilderness, traveling with the Company, you had no chance to be alone with Bofur to try and talk things out. Luckily for you, the others would eventually get fed up with the awkwardness between you two and would do something about it.

One night, when you were down by the stream washing out your dirty tunic, Balin wandered down to you. "Good evening, lass," he greeted, a sly smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. "Good evening, Master Balin. What can I do for you?" Balin gave a little shrug and took your wet tunic from your hands. "Thorin's looking for you. He's none too happy at the moment so, best not to keep him waiting." Your eyes widened slightly and you nodded. Thanking him, you left Balin and made your way back to the camp.

What had you done to incur Thorin's wrath? Surely you'd more than proven your worth to the Company. Hadn't you? What did he want? Your mind was going a mile a minute by the time you made it back. When you did, you glanced up prepared to meet the icy stare of Thorin Oakenshield. Instead, you see Bofur and only Bofur. His back was to you, stirring something over the fire. "Bofur?"

The dwarf in question jumped, spilling whatever it was. He let out a dwarfish curse under his breath before he turned to you. His cheeks were stained a light pink. "Hello, lass." You cleared your throat and returned the greeted. "Where's Thorin? Balin said he wanted to see me." Bofur's face grew even more red. "Yeah, well...that wasn't exactly true. I just, uh, knew ya wouldn't come back right away if ya thought it was only me waitin' fer ya."

"Oh. well, did you need something?" you asked, picking at the sleeve of your tunic. "I was tryin' ta make ya dinner. I just spilled a bit of it though." You looked at him in confusion. "You were cooking for me? Why?" Bofur groaned and ran his hand over his beard. "Well, dwarvish courtin' customs weren't workin' on ya, lass. So Bilbo suggested I try some human or hobbit ones."

"C-Courting customs?" Bofur nodded and you started to giggle. You tried to hide it at first, but you couldn't. Bofur frowned, an expression that was out of place on his face. He couldn't believe you were laughing at him. "Ya know, this was probably a mistake. I'm gonna go and hide in shame." He started to leave you and you stopped laughing. "Bofur, wait! I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you, I promise."

He looked back. "Really?" You nodded. "Really. I was laughing at myself. I just thought you were being friendly. I never thought you'd actually want to court me. I've been trying to hide my feelings for you because I thought you could never return my them." It was Bofur's turn to chuckle as he turned and made his way back over to you.

"Ya mean that, lass?" You nodded. Bofur grinned and leaned in to peck your lips. In his excitement, he missed and ended up kissing your chin first. Then your nose. You giggled again. "I think you missed." You took his chin in between your thumb and forefinger before you pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "Better. Now, how about I help you fix whatever it was you were cooking?" Bofur nodded and wrapped an arm around your waist, gently pulling you over to the fire.     

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