I Owe You My Life (Thorin Oakenshield x blind!fem elf reader)

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(Everybody lives AU. Mentions of blood and angst.)

"Are you so vain you cannot look upon those lower than you?" a sharp voice snapped and you drew in a breath. Thorin Oakenshield had been a thorn in your side since he and his company were brought to Mirkwood. The damnable dwarf never shut up. You twirled around, your keen elf senses aiding you in doing so.

"I can look upon no one, Master Oakenshield. As you can see, my sight has never been any use to me. However, my other senses work wondrously and if you don't be quiet for once, I shall use them to knock you into next week." You informed him with a frown before leaving the dungeons.

Most people would wonder how a blind elf, a female one at that, had come to be the commander of King Thranduil's army. You had been born without sight, but it had never inhibited you. You trained like every other elf except you relied on your senses of hearing and touch more than anything else. You trained hard and it served you well. It earned you the command when Thranduil's father was king and a close friend of your family. When Thranduil took the throne, he kept you close.

Despite wanting to argue, Thorin closed his mouth. He hadn't realized that you couldn't actually see him. As much as he hated elves, he would never offend someone robbed of one of their senses. You nodded and turned to leave. "Wait." You bit back a sigh before making your way back to the cell. Once there, you waited patiently for Thorin to speak again. "Forgive me. There is no excuse for my rudeness to you. You've done nothing wrong." You smiled in spite of yourself. "You are forgiven, Master Oakenshield. But may I say, you should learn to curb your harsh tongue before someone really gets hurt." Without waiting for a reply, you left the dungeon. But not for long.

For some reason, you couldn't stay away from the dwarf king. You'd always been fascinated by dwarves, but this one in particular was different. You found yourself drawn back to the dungeons, to his cell, a few times a day. At first, you didn't say anything. You pretended to be on guard. But after the first couple of days, Thorin caught onto what you were doing and the hushed conversations started. You found Thorin to be different than your first impression of him. So much so, that you wanted to help him.

"I will speak to King Thranduil, but understand that I can make no promises. My king is a stubborn one." Thorin smiled though you could not see it. "Thank you, Y/N. Even if nothing comes of it, it is nice to know that there is at least one elf on our side." You laughed lightly and left to try and reason with Thranduil. You didn't realize that Thorin would find a way to escape without your help. You only hoped you would meet each other again.

*time skip to after BotFA*

"Y/N?" You stopped short hearing such a weak voice call your name. Your keen ears picked up the sound of ragged breathing. Someone was dying and they were calling out to you. You followed the sound. "Y/N? It is you." Thorin. You knelt down on the ice. You felt someone place Thorin on your legs. "Can you help him?" a small voice asked and you frowned. "I don't know...but I shall try." Scooping Thorin up in your arms, you carried him somewhere warmer where you could work in peace and quiet.

You laid Thorin down. His hand grabbed yours. "You don't have to do this." You smiled a bit. "I have to try, Mellon." With your free hand, you cupped his cheek. You could feel the warm, sticky blood on his face and shuddered. His breathing was becoming erratic. You were running out of time. "Stay still," you whispered. Using every ounce of knowledge and power you had, you tried your best to heal Thorin.

After what seemed like hours, Thorin's breathing evened out and you could feel his heart beating under your palm. The deep, regular breaths he was taking told you that he had likely fallen asleep. All the better. His body needed rest after such trauma. He would walk with a limp for the rest of his life, but he was alive.

You let out a shaky breath. You cleaned him up then cupped his face again and leaned down to rest your forehead against his for a moment. "Rest well, Thorin." You moved to inform his company that Thorin was well, but his hand caught yours again. "Thank you, Y/N. I owe you my life." You shook your head. "You own me nothing. Rest. I shall check on you soon."

"Please don't leave. Not yet." You fought back a sniffle. Elves did not cry easily and you weren't about to let yourself do it now. "I must. There are many of my own kind that are wounded and need assistance. I shall return soon. I swear it." Thorin tightened his grip slightly. "Then allow me one request before you go?" You could hear the plea in his voice. A plea that echoed through the room and seemed full of tears.

"What is your request?" He pulled your hand gently so you came closer to him. "Allow me to give you what I have longed to give you since we parted last." Your brows drew together in confusion. Once more, Thorin gently pulled your hand, this time pulling you down. His other hand came to grasp your chin and, before you realized what was happening, you felt something warm, chapped, and slightly wet on your lips.

You stood completely still for a moment, your back beginning to ache from being bent over. You were shock. You had never really been kissed before, but you knew what was happening. Thorin was kissing you with every ounce of energy and passion he had left in his body. And here you were, standing there like an idiot instead of kissing back. As soon as the thought clicked, you returned the kiss.

The kiss would have gone on much longer than it did if not for someone clearing their throat. You pulled away from Thorin and turned toward the sound. A familiar scent hit you and you bowed low. "My king." Thranduil hummed. "Good to see that you live, old friend. And that you have found Master Oakenshield." Another voice spoke up. "Are you alright, lad?" Thorin assured the person that he was.

"Might I please have a moment with Lady Y/N?" You could hear the smirk in Thranduil's voice as he responded, "It seems we've already interrupted your moment. I suppose it's only fair for you to have another." You felt your face heat up. "You are walking a dangerous line, Mellon. Blind or not, I can still beat you." Thranduil actually laughed and left the room. You heard the other visitor's footsteps retreat as well.

"Are you angry with me?" Thorin asked. You turned toward him. "Of course not. I could never be angry with you for sharing how you feel, Thorin." You reached over to rest your hand on his cheek and kissed him again. "You are worth more than all the jewels in Erebor, Amrâlimê." You smiled. "Rest, Melamin. I shall be here when you wake." You waited a few moments for Thorin's breathing to even out again before you whispered,  "I love you." 

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