A New Addition (Kili x wife!reader)

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After hours upon hours of pushing and yelling at Kili through a closed door, you finally held your baby boy in your arms. The midwife let your husband into the room and he was at your side in an instant. "Oh, Amrâlimê. Look at him," he cooed and you could see that he was on the verge of tears. You wanted to roll your eyes, but you simply couldn't. You found it hilarious that the very presence of an infant can turn a grown male into a blubbering mess.

"Y/N, you did wonderfully. What shall we name the strapping lad?" You chuckled weakly. You were exhausted, and for good reason. "I believe he needs a good strong name. I was thinking Thorin II?" Kili gave you a small smile. "Uncle would be thrilled." Kili gently took the baby from your arms and you replied, "Kili, my love, he is your son as well. What do you think?" Kili nodded his agreement. "I think Thorin II is a great name."

A knock on the door interrupted your conversation. A moment later, the door opened quietly and Fili poked his head in. "Hello, my beautiful sister," he greeted you with a smile. "Hello, Fili. Thorin, you need not lurk in the doorway. I am perfectly decent," you said, noticing your husband's uncle over Fili's shoulder. Thorin chuckled and entered the now brightly lit chambers.

"A boy?" he asked, nearing the bed. You nodded and gestured to Kili to let Thorin hold your son. Kili handed the babe over to Thorin, whose smile rivaled the sun above. "He's perfect. His name?" You and Kili exchanged a glance. You decided to let Kili answer for the both of you. "We were hoping, if you are agreeable, Uncle, to call him Thorin II?" Thorin's eyes immediately filled with tears. He handed the boy off to Fili before wrapping his arms around his younger nephew.

Fili looked slightly uncomfortable holding the child so you held your arms out quietly, not wanting to destroy the touching moment between Kili and his uncle. Unfortunately, not everyone shared that sentiment. The door burst open and Dis came bustling in. "Y/N, dear are you alright? What of the child?" Your eyes widened at your mother-in-law. Normally, she was well put together and a strong woman but that moment, she looked positively frantic. "Amad, Y/N is fine as is the babe," Kili said, calming his mother. The four of you shared a laugh as you looked down at your newborn son. You knew that there would never be a more loved or protected child in all of Erebor.

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