Elven Savior (Legolas x reader)

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You knew it was stupid to go out on your own. Really you did, but you needed to get out. You had felt so stifled behind the borders of King Thranduil's realm. It wasn't that you disliked the king, but you craved adventure beyond your borders. You felt the need for it in your very soul. You weren't meant to be caged, to be locked away never to explore the outside world. So, you did the unthinkable, you wandered further into the forest, to the very edge. You would soon wish you hadn't.

It didn't take long for them to smell you. Orcs had an excellent sense of smell, after all. You were outnumbered faster than you could blink. You had some combat training, but not enough to take on that many orcs. You just knew they were going to take you, one way or another.

Just as you were about to give up hope, a flash of green flew by you. You breathed a sigh of relief when you realized it was Legolas, your closest friend. He dispatched the orcs closest to you and pulled back into the forest, up into the trees. From there, you both had the advantage. Arrows went flying in all directions as you killed the orcs and continued running toward home.

Once you were safe inside, Legolas turned to you. His icy blue eyes flashed with anger and hurt. "What were you thinking, Y/N?! You know you aren't supposed to go beyond the borders of Mirkwood." It was rare to see Legolas angry, but somehow you'd managed. "I am stifled, Mellon! I want to be free to roam."

"Not at the expense of your safety. You could have been taken from me, Y/N." You rolled your eyes. "Legolas..." He held up a hand to stop you. "Clearly you do not care how your demise effects the people around you. Since our friendship means so little to you, perhaps it is best that you leave." Legolas moved to go, but your hand shot out and grabbed his arm.

To your surprise, he stopped and let you hold him there. You both knew he could easily escape you if he wanted to. "I didn't mean to worry you, I swear." He turned back to you with sad eyes. "It hurts me to think you do not wish to remain here, but what hurts more is the fact that you didn't seem to care that you left without a word."

"Would you have come with me? Or would you have tried to stop me, Legolas?" you asked him. Your eyes never left his face. You didn't know what you were looking for, but you hoped to find something. Any indication at all that he would forgive you.

"I would have gone had you asked me, Y/N. I only wish to protect you." With that, he removed his arm from your grasp and walked away. He left you standing there to ponder his words. Would he really have left Mirkwood with you? Would he have left everything he knew behind just to make sure you were safe?

"Legolas, wait!" you cried, following after him. He didn't stop, but he did slowdown. "I'm sorry, Mellon. I didn't know how distressed you would be by my leaving." He glanced at you. "Promise me you won't do it again. At least not without letting someone know. I cannot protect you if I don't know where you are." You nodded vigorously. "I swear." Legolas' lips finally upturned into a smile. "Then I forgive you." You grinned."Wonderful. Now, to lunch! I hunger!"   

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